Need a little bit of crap-translation ? I'm bad at making sentences so I left my notes, but it's still better than moon-runes, and it should be accurate enough (feel free to fix, improve or whatever)
05 う~ん... U~n...~ / Hmm...
この前はマジで気を失ちゃったからなぁ I really fainted previously (/the other day)
もう少しだけ Just a little more
調整した方が楽しめるかな... I wonder if I'd enjoy it if I adjusted it.
とりあえず痛覚を快感に置き換えるように... For the time being, to replace pain with pleasure...
他の感覚も快感にしてみるか Let’s also make other sensations pleasant...
06 数日後... Few days later...
よし… Yosh… / alright...
完成っと Completed
今回の感覚共有クローンは快感特化にしてみたけど I tried to specialize this sense sharing clone in pleasure
また後で調整はすることになりそうだな I guess I'll make some adjustments later.
ふふふ… Fufufu…
これで With this
はず前回みたいに吐瀉物で部屋を汚さないで済む...はず I won’t stain my room with vomit like last time… (should be/) I shouldn’t
07 感覚共有器の準備もオークー Preparation of the sense sharing device is also okay
とりあえず耳に入れて... I Put it in my ear for the time being...
テストとして強めに抓ってみないと I have to squeeze it strongly as a test
むにゅ *grope*
んあっ♥ Nah ♥
08 あっ... これは... Ah... This is...
滅茶苦茶 messed up
良い感じ... It feels good...
よし これなら大丈夫そう good This one looks all right
早速リベンジしますか Shall I get revenge immediately ?
蟲姦に... On the bugs...
09 とりあえずクスコを用意して For the time beins, I prepare the (cusco-)speculum
両方の穴を広げておいて… Spread out both holes…
前回は使わなかったけど I didn’t use it last time
虫の好む液体を準備して… Prepate the liquid that the insects like...
中に流し込む… Pour it inside...
10 準備できたクローンを... Place the prepared clone...
蟲のいるケースに… In the case with bugs...
11 これやばい すぐイキそう… It’s dangerous/terrible/amazing Seems like I’m gonna cum soon
ん゙ん゙♥ イクッ Hnnnn♥ Cumming
12 大成功かな... Is it a great success…?
嫌悪感がまったく湧いてこない Disgust doesn’t spring out at all
また… イクッ... Again… cumming...
13 これ… イクの終わない... This… (there’s no end to cumming) I can’t stop cumming...
イクッ Cumming
14 一回ストップ... One time stop… (?)
思ってた以上に快感が強すぎるな 全部の感覚を快感に置き換えてるからだろうけど (More than I expected / Pleasure is too strong ) The pleasure is too strong than I expected (?) Probably because I replaced all sensations with pleasure
気持ちいいのは確かなんだけどなぁ While it definitely feels good
蟲姦をしている雰囲気は出てないんだよなぁ There’s no atmosphere/ambiance/vide of doing bug rape
前回のやつ… That thing from last time...
まぁ, 悲惨な結果だったけどあれはあれで良かったんだよな Well, even though the result was disastrous, that was good in itself
...両方の感覚を同時に得られないかな ...I wonder if I can get the sensations of both at the same time
15 またまた数日後... Few days later...
よしっ alright
第三弾完成! The third is completed!
今回は快感と痛覚嫌悪感をバランスよく感じる様に調整 this time, it’s adjusted to feel a good balance between pleasure, pain and disgust
ついでに一定時間で感覚の共有が切れる様にした 安心設計! By the way/in addition, it’s made to cut sensation sharing after a certain (amont of) time It’s a safe design !
これで手錠を使っても気を失っても大丈夫! With this even if I use handcuffs it's okay to faint !
手錠の鍵は手の届かないところにしまっておくとして I’ll just keep the handcuffs key in a place out of reach
蟲姦 三度目の正直 スタート! Bug rape Third time's the charm Start !
16 不快感もあるけどまだ耐えられるな even though it’s unpleasant, it's still bearable