We now also have a PayPal and a patreon so we can buy better quality or obscure material in the future. https://www.paypal.me/Lastresorttran https://www.patreon.com/lastresorttranslations
I have noticed that some people use my English translations for their own Languages, That's absolutely fine by me. If you want a cleaned version just send me a message, this should save you a lot of work.
I really need some new proofreaders who are willing to be a little more consistend about proofreading in the weekends it only takes a couple of minutes, send me a message if you're interested.
Lastresort, I have to applaud you for your translation. Marvelously and concisely articulated expressions, word choices that are flexible and yet in no way lacking in stateliness and majesty, and precise grasp of ambiguous situations. Specifically, in p15's quote (p14 in the raw) "ギャラリーが沸くように・・・", I interpreted ギャラリー as the gallery of photos taken of this incident by the bystanders, and was quite confused as to why would it 沸く. Thanks to your translation ("to keep the audience excited"), I could finally correctly understand what ギャラリー was referring to and make sense of the line.
On top of such a wonderful translation, this is also an amazing Nymphy Fine Fresh work, so it was both a literary and sexual treat. It was beyond even my most far-fetched expectations to be able to enjoy a pantypooping scat doujin as an academic work (thanks to your translations) in addition to being mundane fapping material. You have my utmost gratitude.