Posted on 17 April 2021, 22:57 by:
gathink Base +16, shinnt +17, Coledas Ukgent +3
Base +14, AhKai +6, GeniusDuck +6, kwajalien +13, Jamesbryans +9, Xuy -5, sockmans +6, Genistar +6, shinnt +17, ENHfaithful +10, Beyond Imagination +6, Porokichin66 +9, Inspiretonic +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 18 April 2021, 07:13 by:
Evyy Score
Base +14, Remeark +6, ENHfaithful +10, quandox +6, Vivi1993 +16, suratkabar +15, Hetzel +6, zangetsu96 +7, Amauri14 +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, TheBrojangles +6, Coledas Ukgent +3, Big_Brain3 +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 18 April 2021, 07:34 by:
neh1234 Score
Base +8, avikdas99 +8, shinnt +17, Remeark +6, dalkia +6, Imsolo +6, ExakaTeddy +6, Porokichin66 +9, kagezoro +6, Queen Puabi +6, blue108 +7, Hetzel +6, Amauri14 +6, and 8 more...
Base +11, Coledas Ukgent +3, see-eff +8
Posted on 19 April 2021, 04:42 by:
pixel2 Score
Base +6, Queen Puabi +6, zangetsu96 +7, Coledas Ukgent +3, merkmuds +6
Base +7, Coledas Ukgent +3
Base +6, Vivi1993 +16, happytomorrow +6, DreadPool +6, UshiroMaou +6, Hetzel +6, BigOOFF +6, KuuhakuShiro +6, itsame@ +7, Coledas Ukgent +3, abrickhouse +6, your_name +6, Fofotron +21
Posted on 19 April 2021, 23:50 by:
IRmudkip Score
Base +8, happytomorrow +6, DreadPool +6, jere512 +6, kondoriyano +6, Globulor +6, Yukipo~ +6, Swamphony +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, Coledas Ukgent +3, Fofotron +21
Base +7, IM_Mortal +7, kondoriyano -6, allenwalker39 +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, Coledas Ukgent +3, Nakama_P +6, Fofotron +21
Base +9, jere512 +6, kondoriyano -6, tkzx -6, allenwalker39 +6, Coledas Ukgent +3, abrickhouse +6