Posted on 19 April 2021, 13:13 by:
iDanMu Base +5, crawing +7, Hostagekiller Fuze +6, 121XT +6, a40547646 +6, 某个路人母 +5, 迷糊老砖 +6, funtaxi +6, 悲寂的人生 +6, 火的意志 +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, NIGAIA +5, GHaawjim +5
Posted on 19 April 2021, 15:01 by:
Unlmited Score
Base +6, NIGAIA +5, GHaawjim +5
Posted on 19 April 2021, 15:57 by:
wlk Score
Base +6, shiyishi -6, Seldom07 -3, weight8165 +6, Hostagekiller Fuze +6, LINK陶子多 +6, BBVAJAVX +5, 罗德埃兰特 -5, esdeath94 +6, gal23(1) -5, whizz621 +4, chen837682042 +5, 121XT +6, and 20 more...
Posted on 19 April 2021, 16:08 by:
坎離艮兌 Score
Base +4, laogecunfu +4, Seldom07 -3, wocaon +6, LINK陶子多 +6, 罗德埃兰特 -5, esdeath94 +6, gal23(1) -5, whizz621 +4, pomiezhiyuan +5, 121XT +6, soslv6xy +6, nekokiki +6, and 20 more...
Posted on 19 April 2021, 16:24 by:
走过的路 Score
Base +6
Base +5, soslv6xy +6, funtaxi +6, fake key +4, asdfasdf36 +6, advan莫问 +5, Mrquincqu +2, 不可思议可思议 +3, NIGAIA +5, ywj252310 +6
Posted on 19 April 2021, 17:06 by:
d9gx Score
Base +5, LINK陶子多 +6, 罗德埃兰特 -5, gal23(1) -5, ajn25151841 -6, whizz621 +4, 121XT +6, AChta +7, soslv6xy +6, eeaamm +6, 59axs9 +5, BUG_SEVEN +5, funtaxi +6, and 3 more...
Base +6, esdeath94 +6, HE01942529 +6, soslv6xy +6, Parrk +6, jihui -2, IndelibleGlacier +6, wsruozha1 +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, NIGAIA +5
Posted on 19 April 2021, 17:27 by:
86P96A Score
Base +5
Posted on 19 April 2021, 18:04 by:
冰冷太阳 Score
Base +4, 罗德埃兰特 +5, ltj624 +6, 怠惰yazi +3, 1159238128zjc +6, 迷糊老砖 +6, funtaxi +6, jihui +2, MXSJ +2, AHT9J +5, IndelibleGlacier +6, fake key +4, jtsbaron +6, and 4 more...
Base +6, 121XT +6, soslv6xy +6, BUG_SEVEN +5, Exacer +6, jgqa +5, cxxxxxk +5, IndelibleGlacier +6, jielian +2, 火的意志 +6, Nemesis41321 +6, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, and 1 more...
Posted on 19 April 2021, 19:11 by:
zxwy Score
Base +6, gal23(1) -5, soslv6xy +6, BUG_SEVEN +5, funtaxi +6, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, ywj252310 +6
Base +6, linkraop321 +4, 怠惰yazi +3, Parrk +6, Hostagekiller Fuze +6, BUG_SEVEN -5, a40547646 +6, 迷糊老砖 +6, funtaxi +6, 五堵城墙 +6, 四糸乃 -6, 挡中央 -6, AHT9J +5, and 11 more...
Posted on 20 April 2021, 02:55 by:
Skkyy Score
Base +6, Hostagekiller Fuze +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, FGFFL -6
Posted on 20 April 2021, 03:21 by:
Leoko22 Score
Base +6, AHT9J +5, 火的意志 -6
Posted on 20 April 2021, 03:28 by:
pizima Score
Base +5, DRAD-logic +6, 怠惰yazi -3, soslv6xy +6, HJZandOP +6, whizz621 +4, yu20001207 +6, 某个路人母 +5, txws -6, funtaxi +6, ninglingm +6, GRY-Eui +5, jihui +2, and 14 more...
Posted on 20 April 2021, 05:27 by:
这些都不错 Score
Base +6,
soslv6xy +6,
某个路人母 +5,
迷糊老砖 +6,
funtaxi +6,
MXSJ +2,
[email protected] +6,
rainwinter +4,
火的意志 +6,
jtsbaron +6,
XonsterF +5,
不可思议可思议 +3, and 2 more...
Base +6,
1159238128zjc +6,
txws +6,
迷糊老砖 +6,
funtaxi +6,
[email protected] -6,
advan莫问 +5,
不可思议可思议 -3Posted on 20 April 2021, 06:08 by:
ts7f5 Score
Base +5
Base +7,
Hostagekiller Fuze +6,
某个路人母 +5,
liqunshan -6,
一曲肛肠断 -2,
[email protected] +6,
7090673 +6,
不可思议可思议 +3,
上泉信綱 -4,
luchmi610 +6,
ywj252310 +6Posted on 20 April 2021, 07:44 by:
Godpig Score
Base +6, kelesite -6, Chu Yu +6, suiyila -6, T2E8 -6, 某个路人母 -5, 西周澪 -6, yasaka_kanako +6, 迷糊老砖 +6, liqunshan +6, ninglingm -6, xiz6935 -6, 转不出0字路口 -6, and 15 more...
Base +6,
[email protected] +6,
Nemesis41321 -6,
athrun zara -6,
不可思议可思议 +3,
上泉信綱 -4,
mystia3601 -4Base +5,
某个路人母 +5,
funtaxi +6,
一曲肛肠断 -2,
Exacer +6,
[email protected] -6,
兵不血 +3,
nhj52080446 -5,
不可思议可思议 +3,
上泉信綱 -4,
ywj252310 +6Base +6, 西周澪 -6, 某个路人母 +5, ninglingm -6, xiz6935 -6, 转不出0字路口 -6, a2944099155 -5, A5535900 -5, dzh1999610 -6, 一曲肛肠断 +2, euphoria_wonderland -6, 四糸乃 -6, 挡中央 -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 20 April 2021, 18:38 by:
坎離艮兌 Score
Base +4, 一曲肛肠断 -2, euphoria_wonderland +6, AHT9J -5, 兵不血 +3, nhj52080446 -5, Snoopy-nebulae -5, honghonghongjong +4, athrun zara +6
Posted on 20 April 2021, 19:21 by:
Godpig Score
Base +6
Base +6, yylzace -6, xiaozero -6, 江山美色全文 +6, my aim sucks +6, JulyGlazed -4, 7090673 -6, RONGRUO1 -4, Wanxinghe -2, kanlaimei -3, opperior -5, zhq4768 -6, bao1502682237 +2, and 9 more...
Base +7, 一曲肛肠断 +2, 7090673 +6, cxxxxxk +5, 兵不血 +3, 开门来的 +6, 火的意志 +6, athrun zara +6, MXSJ +4, 不可思议可思议 +3, luchmi610 +6, ywj252310 +6
Posted on 20 April 2021, 23:42 by:
鲁拉里 Score
Base +6, wsruozha1 +6, jielian +2, 兵不血 +3, athrun zara +6, MXSJ +4, luchmi610 -6, GHaawjim +5, 永远的斯卡蒂厨 +2
Posted on 21 April 2021, 00:32 by:
hhhe Score
Base +6, 一曲肛肠断 -2, 7090673 +6, RONGRUO1 +4, 兵不血 +3, athrun zara +6, luchmi610 +6, GHaawjim +5
Base +8, 挡中央 -6, AHT9J +5, RONGRUO1 +4, yukij +6, 7090673 +6, 兵不血 +3, athrun zara +6, ywj252310 +6
Base +6, RONGRUO1 +4, athrun zara +6
Posted on 21 April 2021, 05:13 by:
zdjsirz Score
Base +6, RONGRUO1 +4, 7090673 +6, athrun zara +6, MXSJ +4, GHaawjim +5
Posted on 21 April 2021, 07:23 by:
deepvan Score
Base +6, IndelibleGlacier +6, RONGRUO1 +4, 不可思议可思议 +3
Base +5, 7090673 -6, yukij -6, 兵不血 +3, 火的意志 +6, opperior -5, rmzeta +6, Nemesis41321 +6, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, luchmi610 +6
Base +6, RONGRUO1 +4, yukij -6, 7090673 +6, 兵不血 +3, 火的意志 +6, opperior +5, Nemesis41321 +6, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, luchmi610 +6
Posted on 23 April 2021, 14:26 by:
Kevin鱼 Score
Base +6, yukij -6, opperior +5, 7090673 +6, 兵不血 +3, 开门来的 +6, 火的意志 +6, donghuang -6, Nemesis41321 +6, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, 上泉信綱 -4, luchmi610 +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 25 April 2021, 23:55 by:
神子の中二病 Score
Base +6, 7090673 -6, 兵不血 -3, 开门来的 -6, 火的意志 +6, 西门吃糖 -6, opperior -5, donghuang +6, rainwinter -4, Nemesis41321 -6, athrun zara -6, MXSJ -4, 不可思议可思议 -3, and 2 more...
Posted on 28 April 2021, 06:40 by:
86P96A Score
Base +6, 开门来的 +6, 火的意志 +6, Nemesis41321 +6, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, luchmi610 +6
Posted on 28 April 2021, 07:15 by:
Kevin鱼 Score
Base +6, 兵不血 +3, 开门来的 +6, 火的意志 +6, LXL2510717149 -6, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3, 上泉信綱 -4, luchmi610 +6, GHaawjim +5
Posted on 08 May 2021, 10:16 by:
juseua Score
Base +6
Last edited on 14 May 2021, 14:10.
Base +6, 鲨了你 -4
Posted on 26 May 2021, 10:53 by:
yrzx Score
Base +6
Base +4, Nemesis41321 +6, tkenemy +5, athrun zara +6, 不可思议可思议 +3
Posted on 30 December 2021, 13:57 by:
celsete Score
Base +6, 1008697457 +6, luchmi610 +6, GHaawjim +5