So this marks my first scrape of a Seiga account. Tedious work honestly since I don't have any scraping software specific to the site. Don't know if it's "Seiga" or just altogether "NicoNico" for the purposes of classification, but I'll figure it out much later.
So I follow this person on Twitter for no other reason than the fact that they do some neat Touhou art. However, they don't post art often on Twitter as is, and even more rarely to their Seiga it looks.
As such, there's a ton more art on their twitter than their Seiga I'll get around to uploading later.
Of note, I actually am not certain, but I think this artist might also use another account that's full of like monstrous bug girls and the like. Can't fully confirm, but my gut says that's probably the case considering the one or two images in this gallery. I'm not here for that, but if it might interest ya, link below.