B-class 9.1 Final Fantasy VII comic featuring Tifa. A continuation of Bkyu comic 7 : /g/1899346/79a4083b38/ English translation using MTL and some editing to the best of my ability.
If you enjoy my amateur translation, make sure to support Bkyu
I'll update the gallery when I get around to typesetting the last few extra pages at the end. If you have any corrections to my translations, feel free to leave a correction and I'll update the edit.
I am truly grateful to you for translating Bkyus work! It's some of my favorite! Thank you so much, great job!
how did you MTL the original was it a program or a website, because I'm not sure how much you edited it, but it's honestly really good! I'd love to be able to do it myself if you could share your process!
@Lyobou on too many pages. Near the start. I'll never understand how literal shit is a fetish... it's as extreme as toddlercon, cannibalism or necrophilia.
@xshadowsunx MTL was essentially me drawing out the japanese into google translate and using DeepL for some of the more nuanced sentences. I had some success in the past with some OCR sites online, but it really depends on how clean the text is on the pages.