<br>Some information: <br>1. You can blacklist uploaders who mainly upload stuff you don't like (in settings) <br>2. You now can hide tags you dislike, and watch tags you like (configure it in "my tags") <br>3. Galleries with some tags (like guro and snuff) should give you a warning before you even see anything, if they don't you disabled it <br> <br>Quote from: uploader:"Nanashi Genmu" <br> <br>================= <br>科普: <br>1. 在Settings页面,你可以把经常上传一些你不喜欢题材的本子的上传者加入黑名单。 <br>2. 在My tags页面,你可以彻底屏蔽含有你接受不了的tag的本子,从而避免你看到不适的封面缩略图,所以不要成天靠夭封面没有警告了,自己动手丰衣足食。(当然作者加了封面我也不会擅自去掉) <br>3. E绅士在你点开任何含有过激tag的本子(比如猎奇guro、死亡snuff、脱粪scat)之前都会弹出一个醒目的警告页面Content Warning,根据E绅士wiki中记述的规则,如果你不听劝阻选择进入,那么你将失去任何事后抱怨的资格。如果你没有遇到这个页面,说明你曾经在这个页面里选择过"Never Warn Me Again"关闭了这个功能,请自行承担后果。 <br>4. 收到反馈里站似乎没有第三条所述的警告界面,那么不能接受的这边建议不要上里站呢亲。来里站炼铜也请自行承担相应的风险。 <br> <br>授权引用并含私货翻译自uploader:"Nanashi Genmu"
Last edited on 02 May 2021, 13:29.
Base +4, SSS2321 +4, wangkanran +6, jimmy9510025 +6, fxhqaz +6
@jim2 As a matter of fact, the comment quoted from both Nanashi Genmu and me because I made the Chinese version and posted it in all of my guro galleries. Nanashi Genmu agreed my quote by voting+ me in one of his/her galleries. Guro galleries is always being rated 0.5 star just because some users don't like guro. Some of them even post impolite comments in guro galleries. By posting how to avoid guro galleries, most of the stray user can be avoided, though few rude user may sitll choose not to block guro galleries and keep posting sh*ts in comment, which can be deleted by voting-.