Frisky Friday is a short story that is inspired by the movie, “Freaky Friday” (2003). This is a female-to-female body swap which isn’t something I normally do. I focus on male to female content mainly, but I wanted to challenge myself with something different. Two college students are able to see what it’s like as one another. One is a confidently hot cheerleader who enjoys life She’s not afraid to show off her fit and toned body. The other is a smart reserved teacher’s pet. She has a juicy body hidden all away under her baggy outfits.
When doing shorts, my goal was to try and achieve a short story based on the premise of an established idea. I would challenge myself to see if I can complete something with a limited amount of renders. But for this particular story, I wanted to have more renders for both girls to show the first thing they did in each other’s bodies. Hence, why there are more images in this particular short story.
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