Good Saintly girl in life. Does the house work and the Meal while her sister flirts with Jesus. Not In bible part of her myth goes to France gets holly grail the real one gives to angles who take it to heaven. Holy works in France.
Finds out after death she is a servant to her clearly God's will to serve God's will but she knows there is no marriage in heaven thus she and the church thought that meant no sex or sex drive. Instead she finds she needs body fluids preferably spirm from a angus but anyone will give some mana to function. Finds her self with sex drive and needing sex and rules on sex she knows clearly end at death. Thus it must be God protecting the living from STD now one of the dead that not a problem and thus to serve the lord she must have sex and clearly as her body made to enjoy it enjoy it. And as marriage forbidden more than one person is fine. Plus stupid sister did not let her have time with Jesus.
Base +6, asdfgsfds -6, gdp_xl +6, observer1980 +21
sleazeball: could be worse; he could be posting these cropped to fuck with dumb scanmarks/watermarks (ala cgc).
That said, I have to agree that having a gallery for each set is a bit excessive, especially when Hara has done multiple sets for some characters (like Jeanne, Mash, etc.). Smart thing to do would be to combine the galleries for characters (or series; IIRC his Oregairu ones were 4 images per) that have multiple sets; that way you don't run afoul of the gallery image count rules.
Last edited on 08 May 2021, 10:44.
Base +14, DiCiCanvas +6, klorpa -30, observer1980 -21