So three years after the artist's homepage being broken, I have finally decided to gather around what's left on the intternet of S.Zenith Lee. This gallery is by no means complete, and contain many low-res pictures. Fortunately, most of the guro arts, which are published by himself are of decent resolution. I will update the gallery if his homepage is online again (as far as I can tell the backend sql is broken, but the website itself is still there). The file names are just the md5sum, because it's impossible to determine the date of most of the works (especially without his homepage which hosts a gallery of his works), and using the checksum helps eliminating duplicate pictures. There is another gallery here /g/285582/58899300f0/ titled (Alter Ego) S. Zentih Lee Gallery, which I guess is his second (or first) published Doujinshi at CWT8 (a Taiwanese comic fair). There's also a Doujinshi titled Merchandise here /g/146056/c8fd6d4f3b/. My assumption is that it is originally in Chinese, but apparently the Chinese version is no where to be found. Given the Taiwanese background of szlee, it is still possible that the English version IS the original. I can't really tell if it's translated. Merchandise is not included here, some pics in the first gallery mentioned are included and some are not. You will have to compare the checksum or use imagemagick's compare function to compare the images. The later is mentioned because I have found some files with different headers but contain exactly the same raw data.
If you find a duplicate or a work by him that's not included please leave your comments.
Thanks for uploading this. I've seen his work a few years back and has been looking for some new work of his for a few days and saw that he's been inactive for a long while. Seeing you upload this album make me feel really good knowing that his work will not be forgotten.
For Merchandise. I don’t think the artist himself will write the narration outside the text box, but it is true that the original version is no longer available.
And I have at least 2 extra pictures here Extraction code:yn4j unzip code:xmoon I can also email u if this link doesn't work.