Posted on 20 May 2021, 22:06 by:
TKLF Posted on 20 May 2021, 23:26 by:
Forgunia Score
Base +7, wanderingleaf +3, hirushoten +7, Yukipo~ +6, Fuzzyfenix +6, ExtremeRampage +5, isoknight +7, sdgdsgdf +6, snpaa +6, Washma Butt +9, Not Benedict +6, PervyYoungman +7, lorddiable +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 21 May 2021, 00:42 by:
TeacS Score
Base +4, GearZeroSky +19
Posted on 21 May 2021, 00:55 by:
weroar Score
Base +7, GearZeroSky +19, Znef14 +5
Base +19, PinguPrin +7, Not Benedict +6, PervyYoungman +7
Base +8, GeniusDuck +6, georgenorthern +4, Fofotron +6, kamekaz3 +6, hujijuice +6, Washma Butt +9, Arsel +6, Not Benedict +6, Thijolo +8, Bubblejum +6, MightyHonks +9, Kuro Yuuki +7, and 8 more...
Posted on 21 May 2021, 03:56 by:
AtotehZ Score
Base +11, gameiro -6, Crusader95 +5, marduk10000 +6, Bubblejum +6, Minase5 +6, GearZeroSky +19
Base +14, Dooderz -8, MelmothTheWanderer +34, undefined00 -6, Double8494 -6
Posted on 21 May 2021, 10:32 by:
Medde Score
Base +6, Dooderz +8, QTTWF +7, TheDiabolical -6, Thijolo +8, MelmothTheWanderer -30, MilesReilly -9, snpaa +6, randomname777 +6, retnuh1000 +6, Kuro Yuuki +7, defski +13, Double8494 +6
Posted on 21 May 2021, 12:34 by:
client Score
Base +6, Dooderz -8, MelmothTheWanderer +34, Nygash +6, PervyYoungman +7, hujijuice +6, Riyin +7, retnuh1000 -6, HunterBlackLuna +6, A.Kasuga +6, anonymousMember +6
Posted on 22 May 2021, 00:10 by:
Xerxis Score
Base +8, bogox +6, Arsel +6, Toffu +6, mustardddd +6, VitekLV +7, Minase5 +6, Ashvinoth +7, retnuh1000 +6, rubyhiro +7, TheSol +6, JustHater +6, Aaezahl +17, and 2 more...
Base +6, coconutpilot +6, shabadoo08 +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Ashvinoth +7, retnuh1000 +6, DaxterSpeed -10, CrunchyPickle +6, Clitbasher +6, CappyAnon +6, Spooky Ghost Butts +7, ZoMoYo +6, Double8494 +6
Base +26, snpaa -6, hujijuice -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, doncosciadipollo -9, Mourqe31 -5, Minase5 -6, HunterBlackLuna -6, damaramu1 +6, bane52 -6, onlyregistere +13, retnuh1000 +6, absolugom -7, and 5 more...
Base +5, mister wolf +6, Minase5 +6, Starman93 -4, WictorAnon -1, sonnytag123 +14, Dorseen -7, retnuh1000 -6, Scumlord -6, LycraPawn -7, 000rp -6, up234 -7, fula_flight -8, and 2 more...
Posted on 19 August 2021, 20:38 by:
AtotehZ Score
Base +11, retnuh1000 +6, Dark-wings -6, Ashi17 -19, l2aYz -6, Kuro Yuuki -7, 000rp -6, up234 -7, LordOfBackdoors +6, Double8494 +6
Base +8, fdcx -10, LycraPawn -7, 000rp -6, ZIGMA44 -16, hakuryu2250 -24
Base +9, The Inker -8, retnuh1000 +6, hakuryu2250 +9, Kuro Yuuki +7, thondam +6, CaptainFlint +5, Double8494 +6