Posted on 22 May 2021, 11:44 by:
Aa131211 Base +6, Steak Puncher +6, 40tkii +6, Muropakkaus +6, Dark MageX +6, TheBrojangles +6, pluckyp +6, BungeeLove +8, unicorn901 +7, BrainBrian +8, LcLcLC2 +5, animelord1 +7, dinilsu +6, and 6 more...
Base +7, TheBrojangles +6, unicorn901 +7, Avvhovhk +6, BrainBrian +8, Sylvrwolflol +8, tubbs56 +6, DjSauceySauce +6, 40tkii +6, AnswerIsAlwayMiata +7, smartmeister +11, Generotic +8, Steak Puncher +6, and 2 more...
Base +4, unicorn901 +7, BrainBrian +8, Moonshaft +6, tubbs56 +6, DjSauceySauce +6, Mr Fappa +6, luck/lucky +6, 40tkii +6, TheGoodGiggle +12
Base +28, I_Want_It +6, Scorps283 +6, 40tkii +6, arefin0991 -6, Mike-O-Shay -6, Futakkake -6, gresdf -6, InfinityGeneration +21, TheGoodGiggle +12
Posted on 22 May 2021, 17:18 by:
Roboshi Score
Base +7, 40tkii -6, Moonshaft -6, Steak Puncher -6, TheGoodGiggle -12
Posted on 23 May 2021, 12:56 by:
jodedoor Score
Base +3, Moonshaft -6, Pinkpuma +6, Seratonine +6, Alipelle +7, noname31 +6