While I do find the original Jumanji to be much better than its reboot and sequel, there is a certain charm about it, and it is fun. And what it lacks from the original, it makes up for in the idea that the titular game is no longer a board game, but a video game. 4 players are thrust into avatars, bodies not of their own, and they must face perilous jungle dangers. What's coolest about it being a video game, is they get a certain amount of lives. So they actually die in the movie, several times!! Not permanently of course, it's a very happy-ending movie...but the concept of multiple lives and a potential game over gave me the chance to play with multiple vore scenarios for the lovely Ruby Roundhouse. I hope you'll enjoy!
“Ruby Roundhouse has been separated from her group in the jungles of Jumanji. And while this is a video game, she has to take it very seriously if she wants to survive. Having three lives is better than one, but it doesn’t secure her victory in the slightest. She has carnivorous plants, komodo dragons, and tigers waiting to feast on her. If they catch her all three times, well…it’s Game Over with no continues. And trust me, it hurts when you lose in this game.”
Art by Chirpy Script by Nyte
**8 pages including cover; unwilling soft vore AND hard vore, implied digestion**
Now available for individual purchase or immediate download for members.