This figure came out a couple of months ago, but I ordered her from an American retailer (Otaku Fuel, if anybody is curious) so I received her only a few days ago. I also got a second Kotone Ousaka, which was a bit surprising. To my knowledge, Kotone was sold exclusively on Native’s website in Japan, but she’s gotten a regular release among retailers here in the States. I wonder why that is?
Anyway, I wrote Kotone’s review weeks ago so enough about her, let’s take a look at Nana here.
Nana is manufactured by Orchid Seed in 1/8 scale. She is based off an illustration by E-ji Komatsu, which I assume ran in Megami megazine.
E-ji Komatsu Nana illustration
The box here gives her full title as “Suku-Mizu Mecha Nurse Girl Nana,” but I’m not so sure I’m seeing the school swimsuit part. Maybe I don’t watch enough anime to recognize all the variations on the style or something.
Her mecha parts arrive detached, and unlike Alter’s Exelica, Orchid Seed does not provide an instruction sheet to guide the assembly process. Fortunately it’s pretty easy to figure out what goes where if you study the pictures on the box. Basically everything attaches to her backpack; the wings attach via these little gray cubes with mounting pegs. It’s the most confusing part since it’s not immediately obvious how to put them together, but the upside is that you can swivel her wings around in different positions.
She also comes with a cool syringe gun that fits right into her hand. It’s nicely detailed, with some clear red plastic simulating the liquid in the barrel.
I admit with no shame that the principal detail that motivated this purchase was the medical instruments thrust into her panties. A most unsanitary way to store equipment if you ask me, but it looks awesome anyway. I guess when your work uniform doesn’t provide pockets, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Sculpting and painting are solid, and I didn’t notice any major issues. One idiosyncrasy of her sculpt is her huge head; it’s almost the size of her torso. I think she has the largest head relative to body size of any of the figures I own.
Her base is an orange disc that informs you as to who she is. She has two attachment points in her foot; a standard small, round peg hole and a slot for a larger rectangular peg on the base. She seems reasonably for a relatively heavy figure perched on one foot, which is reassuring.
It’s been a long wait for Nana, and I had to struggle mightily to resist the urge to pick her up from HLJ during their free shipping promotion a few weeks ago. All in all I’m happy to have her; this is a very spiffy figure, a combination of the conventional and unique, and she looks great.
Oh, I forgot to mention – she’s castoff-able. Unfortunately and uncharacteristically, I decided not to take off her clothes. It’s almost always a pain to get them back on a figure and having seen the promo pics, I know that she isn’t anatomically detailed. I love all you readers, but I don’t love you enough that I’m going to risk screwing up my figure. Sorry.
I won’t leave you hanging, though. All the perverts reading this review can go to Akibahobby’s review of a preproduction sample; they’ve got naked pictures down at the bottom. She’s got a nice butt. Oddly, the sample has her grasping scalpels in her left hand, but the production figure deviates from that and the artwork by omitting them. I wonder what’s up with that? (Edit: it seems that she does come with the scalpels after all; being the genius that I am, I must have completely overlooked them while unpacking the figure. Whoops.)
NANA: Yay, it’s time for your medicine! EXELICA: Get away from me you freak!
NANA: Aww, don’t be a big baby. All right, bend over and take a deep breath. That’s a good girl! EXELICA: Auuugh! _____________
13 Responses to Mecha Nurse Girl Nana from Megami Magazine Creators ______________________________________________________________________________ Wolfheinrich says: October 16, 2009 at 2:21 AM Ah so you got Nana too! She is a decent figure no doubt, painting and shading is ok, sort of hover above Griffon Enterprise level but under Alter and GSC imo. I agree she is a pain to assemble and is better left alone 😀 I plan to take some pictures of my own once the lighting system is online, currently one of the bulb is dead on arrival.
_______________________________________ meronpan says: October 16, 2009 at 3:43 AM nana! very nice ^^ i was totally tempted due to her status as mechamusume… alas in the end the stuff in her panties was just a bit too ero & phallic for my tastes ^^;;;
nevertheless, happy to admire her in others’ collections ^^
_______________________________________ Leonia says: October 16, 2009 at 3:44 AM My boyfriend wanted this figure, but he was afraid of the quality of the Orchid’s product. But she is very cute, and your photos are beautiful! Thank you for this sharing!
_______________________________________ Guy says: October 16, 2009 at 1:47 PM I think the colours should have been more.. vibrant.
I think this is a figure that definitely needed to get her shots in a bright light set-up. Some of the shots with the red background are very nice.
I’m of two minds on the figure, her mechanical setup is quite nice, but it’s almost too much, y’know?
So, why did you get the second Kotone? Or you’ve pre-paid for her, got her elsewhere, and then this place also came through?
_______________________________________ Ashlotte says: October 16, 2009 at 8:04 PM Erm Tier you better check your box again because she does come with those tiny little scalpels that go in her hand. >_>
They should be packaged in a really small little plastic baggy…I hope you didn’t accidentally throw them out or anything. >_<
_______________________________________ Marcucho says: October 16, 2009 at 10:57 PM Where the nude photos?? jakjakjakjakjak i like very much this figure yea!!
_______________________________________ Tier says: October 17, 2009 at 12:12 AM >> Wolfheinrich That’s about where I’d put Orchid Seed. Looking forward to seeing your pics!
>> meronpan Haha, I expect that this figure is going to be a black or white decision for most people because of that.
>> Leonia Thanks! I do like a lot of the stuff that Orchid Seed puts out; their gothic punk Mikuru isn’t too great but their newer figures that I own are pretty nice.
>> Guy Now that I look at the figure again, I think that her blouse should’ve been white instead of pink; white and red would’ve been a stronger color combo.
Yeah, I agree, this is a figure that you look at and you’re either like, “Man that looks awesome” or “What the heck were they thinking?” (Admittedly, I guess a lot of stuff out of Japan is like that XD)
I preordered Kotone from Otaku Fuel months and months ago, but since she was a limited release item I didn’t expect them to be able to fulfill my order, so I bought one off of eBay. Then as it turns out, Kotone gets stocked everywhere a week or two ago. Otaku Fuel’s price wasn’t too bad so I figure I’ll just hold onto the extra figure.
>> Ashlotte Uh oh … time to check the desk and the trash, since they are definitely not in the box. Thanks for the heads-up.
>> Marcucho I’d planned on doing it and snapped her uniform open, and when I tried to close it, it wouldn’t fit properly (which is why there’s a gap in her blouse in some of these photos). I chickened out there >.< Check out the link I provided for the naughty pics!
_______________________________________ Lylibellule says: October 17, 2009 at 12:45 PM Thank you for this review. I found this cute figure and photos confirm my opinion. Orchid seed is improving the quality of the figures.
Like you, I found cool the medical devices thrust in his trousers. LOOOL
I love your photo identical to the illustration.
_______________________________________ Tier says: October 18, 2009 at 2:31 AM They are! If their upcoming Seena and Lineage elf figures are as good as the prototype pictures look, I’ll have to rank them up there with Alter, GSC, and Max Factory as far as overall quality goes.
I love the medical instruments XD It’s one of the two coolest things about this figure, along with the jet pack.
_______________________________________ Blowfish says: October 27, 2009 at 2:06 PM Its scary how often we think alike o.0
I skipped Nana basically because I was a bit unsure about Orchid Seeds quality.I might pick her up during a slow figure month.Im way too packed at the moment
_______________________________________ Tier says: October 27, 2009 at 11:23 PM Indeed! I’m pretty happy with Orchid Seed right now, particularly since they seem content to carve out a niche making high-quality castoff-able ecchi figures. If they keep rolling them out, I’ll keep supporting them.
_______________________________________ twina.loba says: May 18, 2010 at 6:39 PM Kawaiii! I like this one! Sadly… my wallet is empty… The best about Nana: HENTAI!!! well… ecchi.
_______________________________________ Tier says: May 19, 2010 at 1:09 AM Indeed! You know, I think this figure might be the only one I own that I never tried to cast off.