Base +6, Moe got +4, Rshdgsh558 +5, s93080 +6
Base +7, BGs -6, 骚狼龙 -3, Zerox219 +6, hadesli13 +6, Moe got -4, ssswarlock +6, SkyForest -6, 河川百曜 -2, 君🦈✒️ +3, alexkitty -6, 洛水寒秋 +6, x-mas -6, and 63 more...
Posted on 16 June 2021, 03:58 by:
ted40905 Score
Base +6, 奔塵君 +6, yunliuyuwu1 +6, s93080 +6, potupotupo +3
Posted on 09 July 2021, 06:40 by:
dlk233 Score
Base +4, Sazachi-Leo +5, 走路掉进圣水沟 +1, xiaoximmm +3, Achen268 +2, xfmaster +6, littlekid72 -2, shenxxx +6, Bellmond +5, 竹猗Φ +5, TheXL +5, yangtaozaqwq +3, s16qeb0 +1, and 22 more...