Pixiv - https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/47765799 Melonbooks - https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=111970 Purchased and phone scanned by myself. Support the artist if possible.
Warning: slight gore. (too late)
https://www.doujinshi.org/browse/circle/29236/Midori-Neko/?kana=&start=&flist=&age=&anth=&order=date&flow=ASC Midori doujinshis order by date, supposedly related with Gensou Konintan(marriage) series. (The above link has few errors)
0. 迷家紀行 - [Not Available] https://www.doujinshi.org/book/437423 I'm quite suspicious that the man already appeared in this but this is just my assume. 1. 幻想婚姻譚・狐 - (Japanese) /g/1904183/2a5572d869/ 2. 幻想婚姻譚・狐 ~弐~ - (Japanese) /g/1894175/83d5c54d55/ 3. 幻想婚姻譚・狐 ~参~ - (Japanese) /g/1904184/23ca1435fc/ 4. 幻想婚姻譚・病 - (Japanese) /g/1904843/5266d93131/ 5. 幻想婚姻譚・狐 ~肆~ - (Japanese) /g/1894176/661ce4aca5/ 6. 幻想婚姻譚・狐 ~伍~ - (Japanese) /g/1904844/3c3a3c7689/ 7. 幻想婚姻譚・猫 - (Japanese) /g/1908153/cc095eebb5/ 8. 欲望の随に。 - (Japanese) /g/1908168/d2b63876f6/ 9. 睦言-ムツミゴト- (Japanese) https://n(ever)hentai.net/g/176269/ 10. 幻想婚姻譚・花 ~上~ - /g/1908174/6f5de4e03f/ 11. 幻想婚姻譚・狂 - (English) /g/1882365/2af7916887/ 12. 幻想婚姻譚・花 ~下~ - <You are here> 13. 幻想婚姻譚・雨 - (Japanese) /g/1908110/2e644d169c/ 14. 睦言-ムツミゴト-・弐 - (Japanese) https://n(ever)hentai.net/g/176270/ 15. 畏ルルガ足ラズ。 上 - (Japanese) /g/920600/e249e71ff8/ 16. 畏ルルガ足ラズ。 下 - (Japanese) /g/920603/cd3b4a092e/ 17. 睦言-ムツミゴト-・参 - (Japanese) https://n(ever)hentai.net/g/176271/ 18. 幻想婚姻譚・夢 - [Not Available] – https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=160906 Compilation of previous series. 1+2+3+5+6+7+18.5(short original story, not on sale) 18.5. 幻想婚姻譚・博 - (Chinese) /g/1544536/98920fe071/
19. 睦言・肆 - (Japanese) /g/1134779/4538cf10f9/ 20. 幻想婚姻譚・現 - [Not Available] – https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=186230 Compilation of previous series. 4+10+11+12+13+15+16+20.5(short original story, not on sale) 20.5. 幻想婚姻譚・麗 - (Japanese) /g/1881568/e889f1a886/
37. 白迷の手帖 - [Not Available] – https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=607229 Compilation of previous series. 21+26+31+33+37.5(short original story, not on sale) 37.5. - [Unknown]
38. 地天獄 - [Not Available] – https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=731140 Compilation of previous series. 28+30+35+38.5(short original story, not on sale) 38.5. さとりの居ぬ間に。 - [Not Available]