Base +2, fula_flight +7, RaizelX +7, Bwaly +6, DTF69witU -6, OperNaus +6, Shouki +25, Not Benedict +6, TheOldDeus +7, Rauldelano +8, IncognitoMaud +6, player4578 -6, MelmothTheWanderer +34, and 2 more...
Base +6, triz1337 +6, cheapdate +10, fag1234 +6, fula_flight +7, Econ3 +6, citrange +7, Darksword696 +19, Secundus +7, RaizelX +7, daitengu +8, baklak11 +6, gguy123 +10, and 79 more...
Base +5, Red 255 -7, Darksword696 -19, RaizelX +7, OMFGLagger -6, daitengu -8, Bwaly -6, DTF69witU -6, bagiaaa +12, pedifily -8, OperNaus -6, Blurglurg +5, corodere -6, and 23 more...
Base +6, Bwaly -6, pedifily -8, OperNaus +6, corodere -6, jindoko90 -6, MaouMaou -10, MelmothTheWanderer -30, absolugom -7, Shemmy -6, RaizelX +7, Otaku Soniz -6, TheOldDeus -7, and 9 more...
Posted on 15 June 2021, 14:10 by:
bradcan Score
Base +6, Bwaly +6, trippywalrus +6, Shouki +25, Not Benedict +6, TheOldDeus +7, barkingdead +6, Killerlolipop +7, IncognitoMaud +6, up234 -7, player4578 -6, Millennium Blade +6, daicalun07 +6, and 1 more...
Base +7, jindoko90 +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Bwaly +6, TheOldDeus +7, saidtheotherme +6, kei hirahi +6, player4578 -6, daicalun07 +6, EgocentricEgg +3
Base +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Shouki -25, Bwaly -6, LostWord -6, absolugom -7, TheOldDeus -7, lord_zero_x +7, RabidWeasel +7, Mivaza -3, edson -14, Big Bad Wolf -6, IncognitoMaud -6, and 2 more...
Base +6, Bwaly +6, TheOldDeus +7, Zantos +7, RabidWeasel +7, player4578 -6, haiton -6
Base +6, Bwaly +6, TheOldDeus +7, Zantos +7, RabidWeasel +7, player4578 -6, daicalun07 +6, EgocentricEgg -3
Base +11, trolling.fag +11, fag1234 +6, kwajalien +13, Bwaly +6, Not Benedict +6, TheOldDeus +7, RabidWeasel +7, Rauldelano +8, player4578 -6, Bloody_Rain +7, daicalun07 +6, EgocentricEgg +3, and 1 more...
Base +6, Bwaly +6, TheOldDeus +7, player4578 -6, Ilikeblt13 +6
Posted on 15 June 2021, 19:27 by:
bergil Score
Last edited on 08 July 2021, 22:07.
Base +6, Canadian_Bacon1994 -6, Runedude -8, SunsetChaos +6, Orazio -6, Shouki +25, Bwaly -6, Shemmy -6, Natsam -14, LostWord -6, MelmothTheWanderer +34, RaizelX +7, Venom Snake -6, and 28 more...
Posted on 09 October 2021, 17:52 by:
Caev Score
Base +6, Mzeroz -6, raven_master -8, freeill30 -6, EgocentricEgg -3