A rapidly improving SM Artist, Vang does a lot of tan girls and ancient/fantasy themed stuff. Totally worthy of my support and yours.
Most of this is like WIPs so there's a lot of repetition, but this is for archival purposes because some stuff was already deleted, and what of that I was able to find is at the end since I don't have a date for it, but everything else is in order oldest to newest. There's also been some material where it was replaced after having the shading improved but that has been included and marked. I'm including the header images when the bot picks them up for completionism, because I'm a monster like that.
Some stuff involving bestiality, which was there previously but lost before I scraped it (which I also had previously but accidentally deleted on my laptop.) If I can find out when it fits time-wise I’ll add in what I still have of that, but it’s all roughs, and nothing finished.