Posted on 20 June 2021, 02:40 by:
mootxico Base +6, unown(0) -9, jdog1234 -7, Shanghai -7, FishingForTeeth -7, Mingzers -6, blabbo -6, Chunga -18, LanSOADer -12, noctusdark -7, GeniusDuck -6, komplikation -6, Zr44d -11, and 12 more...
Base +12, jdog1234 +7, unown(0) +9, shadeus +7, LanSOADer +12, shinangels +19, AzertyPorto +10, fadefade +15, noctusdark +7, GeniusDuck +6, GO_KENTA +16, darklordxxg +1, as102 +11, and 23 more...
Base +7, GeniusDuck +6, Braltewrakcus +10, mootxico +19, Tabristicaa +6, EscapedDreamerD +6, khrwanillwwat +6, Momojo2 +8
Base +6, mootxico +19, +6, promon123 +6, necrosis527 +11, khrwanillwwat +6, tudjin +6, Momojo2 +8
Posted on 20 June 2021, 06:12 by:
Vilnius Score
Base +7, mootxico +19
Base +6, GeniusDuck +6, mootxico +19, Brego1 +6, Tabristicaa +6, khrwanillwwat +6, Momojo2 +8, Kunopes +28
Posted on 20 June 2021, 07:08 by:
wii800 Score
Base +7, mootxico +19, Mahos -13
Posted on 20 June 2021, 08:45 by:
matxeon Score
Base +6, mootxico +19, +6, znofuture +7, necrosis527 +11, khrwanillwwat +6
Posted on 20 June 2021, 09:02 by:
formigao Score
Base +16, GeniusDuck +6, mootxico +19, NeBuR1997 +6, Seraphita +9, +6, Tabristicaa +6, overninek +6, tamstrup +6, Manakemia +7, khrwanillwwat +6, Belgarath91 +7, simplesimon32 +37, and 4 more...
Base +6, simplesimon32 +37
Posted on 20 June 2021, 20:21 by:
JukanX Score
Base +25, Ashvinoth +7, simplesimon32 +37, Rando-numbers +16
Posted on 20 June 2021, 23:55 by:
elpiterx Score
Base +6, Brego1 +6
Posted on 22 June 2021, 05:52 by:
baha815 Score
Base +12
Posted on 23 June 2021, 15:21 by:
tontje Score
Base +6, Ashvinoth +7, klaus132 +2, GeniusDuck +6, khrwanillwwat +6, GO_KENTA +16, znofuture +7, newtype711 +6, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, Captain Tarkus +5, Tryndamere95 +21, anonymousMember +6