Base +7, tribulations -6, sgourd -6, Halftime -7, fr3aky -6, spam19 -7, peekingpanda -14, Accdump +6, denliner27 +7, Unwashed -6, memeboy333 -7, Okenido -7, Natsam +14, and 29 more...
Base +6, Razeroc +6, Okenido +7, soul saber +6, Adamantcheese +6, NewhalfIsMale -10, sanddragon6 +6, linkfai +6, DrDtroit +6, Mesteves -6, yuki665 -7, Wrazzy +6, JumpyB -4, and 1 more...
Base +5, NewhalfIsMale -10, Callum.Rival -6, Mocka +20, Hyoros +14, futanaridamacy +6, yuki665 -7, damnspams +7
Base +6, Accdump -6, denliner27 -7, Unwashed +6, klorpa +42, HFalx +7, memeboy333 +7, Okenido +7, Natsam -14, Alt_Shift -11, darthdavid +6, fortysecond +6, bigscuba +7, and 52 more...
Posted on 22 June 2021, 21:38 by:
Base +6, Okenido -7, Mocka +20, yuki665 -7
Posted on 23 June 2021, 01:24 by:
highmark Score
Base +6, darthdavid -6, fortysecond -6, Mocka +20, peekingpanda -14, soul saber -6, Adamantcheese -6, anomahous -11, hoigoigoi +27, DaxterSpeed -10, Unwashed -6, jlarsoone +6, NewhalfIsMale +10, and 50 more...
Base +7, bassgs435 -6, Accdump -6, Unknown_Viewer +6, fr3aky +6, Fuckbeak -6, Doctor Fish +6, Callum.Rival +6, rotar zairo -10, theamdrag -7, Mocka +20, leileis +4, itsthedust +8, and 27 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 12:39 by:
orezz Score
Base +6, Accdump -6, LordMegaMilk +6, Fuckbeak -6, fullmetalyotsuba -6, Doctor Fish +6, Callum.Rival +6, rotar zairo -10, theamdrag -7, leileis +4, itsthedust +8, anomahous +11, tribulations +6, and 25 more...
Base +6, hayret1235 +7, LordMegaMilk -6, Fuckbeak +6, fullmetalyotsuba +6, Doctor Fish -6, Callum.Rival -6, Himy -6, rotar zairo +10, theamdrag +7, Mocka +20, leileis -4, phalanx509 -6, and 37 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 13:20 by:
Ijona Score
Base +6, Accdump +6, Callum.Rival +6, rotar zairo +10, tribulations -6, nonevah -6, fr3aky -6, jessica702 -10, futanaridamacy +6, Juggernaut Santa +32, yuki665 -7, Wrazzy -6, Hapxier +6, and 4 more...
Base +5, fr3aky +6, Alwind -6, ContaRed +6, guy146 -6, jessica702 +10, linkfai -6, akp47 -9, DrDtroit +6, Mesteves +6, futanaridamacy -6, LouisaFerre -6, TheGameBoy50 +6, and 17 more...
Posted on 26 June 2021, 18:16 by:
Base +6, Hawlc +6, ContaRed +6, Accdump +6, Mocka +20, futanaridamacy +6, Miko Neko +7, Liquid Shadow +6, yuki665 -7, Tarball +13, damnspams +7, catie001 +6, ZaHallen +6
Posted on 27 June 2021, 04:49 by:
Kachua Score
Base +6, Hawlc -6, fr3aky -6, anonann8 +9, ContaRed -6, yusatan +6, jessica702 -10, linkfai -6, Amoradrian +6, Beddhist -16, AnonLovesOP +6, DrDtroit -6, NeckbeardedGrey +6, and 18 more...
Posted on 02 July 2021, 07:17 by:
Zarys Score
Base +6, Maxo Yoshi Sling +5, Beddhist +16, Mocka +20, Mesteves +6, futanaridamacy +6, thenewdrax +7, Gabygabycandid +6, Juggernaut Santa +32, EdJarAbu +11, squirrely-sama +6, StarfishHeat +8, Liquid Shadow +6, and 8 more...
Base +5, Gabygabycandid -6, TheQuasar +6, yuki665 -7, Cerulean Starlight +6, JumpyB -4, Clyfer_ +6, tyrannicalbasement +1
Posted on 23 August 2021, 04:17 by:
Doutey Score
Base +10, Gargaravius +6, Lemoneyemo +6, Juggernaut Santa +32, Epicsmoothie -4, TheQuasar -6, Liquid Shadow +6, yuki665 -7, Wrazzy -6, Nothingnow -6, MWStein +6, littlepedo +6, TheSPNCupcake -6, and 7 more...
Posted on 10 June 2023, 07:08 by:
EcchiT Score
Base +6, linkfai +6, Cattigrew +6
Posted on 15 June 2023, 00:45 by:
zenith45 Score
Base +8, Oddball +7, tyrannicalbasement -4
Base +6, TheSPNCupcake -7, tyrannicalbasement +4