Base +10, Jamesbryans +9, 1337boot +7, Sukarn0 -6, Danjian +6, Bamboo31 -15, Hawlc +6, MelancholyPrincesses -6, Giangiotto -7, Nayan -6, basedoracle +7, absolugom -7, traderdave +7, and 23 more...
Last edited on 23 June 2021, 10:32.
Base +8, Jamesbryans -9, Axophia +6, Sukarn0 +6, Hawlc -6, MelancholyPrincesses +6, Giangiotto +7, leftrightup +6, Westgate25 -5, Nayan +6, WolfbladeW +6, BaconPowder1 +15, absolugom +7, and 129 more...
Base +6, Sukarn0 -6, Bamboo31 -15, MelancholyPrincesses +6, Giangiotto -7, Nayan +6, absolugom +7, Third_Aspect -9, Fr33sh00t -6, undefinedghost -7, AhKai +6, OurAgnosia -6, archmancer8 -5, and 64 more...
Base +6, Sweet Breaker +7, AgPhoenix -7, Sukarn0 +6, Ilia_ -19, Bamboo31 +15, MelancholyPrincesses +6, Giangiotto +7, leftrightup +6, Westgate25 -5, Nayan +6, WolfbladeW +6, rastam55 +6, and 117 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 10:20 by:
Mourqe31 Score
Base +5, Bamboo31 -15, blarghflowers +5, Hawlc +6, Grace M -3, MelancholyPrincesses -6, Giangiotto -7, leftrightup -6, Westgate25 +5, Nayan -6, WolfbladeW -6, HUxSOLDIER +6, EroBiscuits -7, and 25 more...
Base +48, HUxSOLDIER +6, y4kami +7, Raand +2, Fr33sh00t -6, undefinedghost +7, AhKai +6, daicalun07 +6, peace9001 -12, archmancer8 +5, trinitity +11, Shouki +25, GeniusDuck +6, and 43 more...
Base +6, HUxSOLDIER -6, undefinedghost +7, peace9001 +12, Chinro +6, Orion9137 +11, FFXFan13 +9, Scumbini +37, Draw99Gray +18, your_desired_display +5, Bane13 +54, HFalx +7, rekkou +8, and 47 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 11:09 by:
exanimet Score
Base +10, undefinedghost +7, FFXFan13 +9, bunnygunny +17, rambo voller +22, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, werefox22 +7, Gyberous +7, shitmate123 +6, bananafairy -7, ItalianSausage +6, Fofotron +19
Base +5, Fr33sh00t -6, undefinedghost +7, RaizelX -7, archmancer8 +5, Chinro -6, AriesWarlock +13, Undeadcynic97 -9, The Naughty Shrink -6, trapmint +6, arnoldfarnold +1, Bronxden -7, Jin.H. +11, and 31 more...
Base +6, Fr33sh00t -6, undefinedghost +7, peace9001 +12, Dindarolo -4, archmancer8 +5, Chinro -6, Undeadcynic97 -9, The Naughty Shrink -6, Overkillsamurai +7, protoman9012 +7, Draw99Gray +18, arnoldfarnold +1, and 38 more...
Base +6, Fr33sh00t -6, undefinedghost +7, asdflolz +6, animadversion +6, 58569 +11, archmancer8 +5, Chinro -6, Orengestar +7, Draw99Gray +18, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, TCJJ +6, bergil -6, and 32 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 13:37 by:
TenRX Score
Base +7, RaizelX -7, peace9001 +12, Dindarolo -4, archmancer8 +5, Chinro -6, Malinor -8, trinitity -11, IngmarS -6, DiCiCanvas -6, Shouki -25, shadofox -7, Undeadcynic97 -9, and 41 more...
Base +8, Malinor -8, Shouki -25, trinitity -11, Undeadcynic97 -9, FFXFan13 +9, moldbar +6, YamiKonjiki -6, Scumbini +37, Overkillsamurai -7, protoman9012 +7, Draw99Gray +18, Joshua Goldberg +6, and 50 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 15:33 by:
lw123789 Score
Last edited on 23 June 2021, 23:28.
Base +10, Draw99Gray -18, Razorhead +6, Jin.H. -11, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, Invidiax -6, Purdie +6, Metrevil +7, Friigy -6, bergil +6, Gigas002 -6, jccc3000 -6, absolugom -7, and 15 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 15:38 by:
gman90 Score
Base +2, absolugom -7, DazWolf +6, KingKing8221 -6, unigo +6, Globulor +6, Illuminati81 -6, rambo voller +22, DennoCoil +10, probablynotworth -5, XzeroXTribe +8, brotherdudejack +6, ItalianSausage +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 16:45 by:
kaynamit Score
Base +3, Invidiax -6, Purdie +6, bergil -6, JTLIT +6, karmazin -8, absolugom -7, snoogenz +6, bloodburb -6, Puno510 -5, Draw99Gray -18, empj83 -26, acceleratus -6, and 8 more...
Base +6, Jin.H. +11, Metrevil -7, Friigy +6, riskyblueballs +6, KingKing8221 -6, Draw99Gray +18, lizzichan +4, Globulor +6, ayrts +9, peace9001 +12, DAWfan +6, Illuminati81 -6, and 26 more...
Base +7, jake1237 +7, Metrevil -7, jccc3000 +6, asterix666 +6, DazWolf +6, KingKing8221 +6, Flafski +6, Puno510 +5, Draw99Gray +18, unigo +6, ayrts +9, Yukipo~ +6, and 40 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 19:48 by:
SyriasX Score
Base +7, jccc3000 -6, absolugom +7, riskyblueballs +6, Rexarus -6, peace9001 +12, Illuminati81 -6, rambo voller +22, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Lulzylulz +10, Dyjin -21, DennoCoil +10, and 9 more...
Base +6, randomname777 +6, Dyjin -21, unigo -6, acceleratus -6, lizzichan -4, peace9001 -12, Illuminati81 +6, gravkaw +7, Lulzylulz +10, banarama -6, DennoCoil -10, DarkDZ -7, and 8 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 23:30 by:
lw123789 Score
Base +10, lizzichan -4, Globulor +6, the_wizard_of_old +12, DiCiCanvas +6, Illuminati81 +6, lewgnik +6, zirpcev -6, rambo voller -22, Danieke -6, blubelbli +10, a faggot -6, melfice999 -6, and 15 more...
Base +6, peace9001 +12, rambo voller +22, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, TheProdigy -6, a faggot +6, arnoldfarnold +1, lilstank +5, notfunnyguy +6, shitmate123 +6, 501general +12, dom1anon +6, anonamoose98 +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 23 June 2021, 23:58 by:
Vadertan Score
Base +6, peace9001 +12, Illuminati81 -6, rambo voller +22, Danieke +6, banarama +6, TheProdigy -6, melfice999 +6, dom1anon +6, notfunnyguy +6, shitmate123 +6, Juggernaut Santa +32, MetalGarv +14, and 6 more...
Posted on 24 June 2021, 01:44 by:
peterw Score
Base +6, Illuminati81 +6, rambo voller +22, Lulzylulz +10, TheProdigy +6, Pietvergiet +6, DazWolf +6, Drocher1489 +6, Naturally +15, lilstank +5, shitmate123 +6, Juggernaut Santa +32, kobatochandaisuki +8, and 4 more...
Base +6, DiCiCanvas -6, Illuminati81 -6, deprece8 -7, Superpichu999 -7, Danieke +6, absolugom +7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Lulzylulz -10, Dyjin -21, anonymousMember +6, peace9001 +12, and 22 more...
Base +12, Danieke -6, Dyjin -21, anonymousMember +6, DennoCoil +10, absolugom -7, sadpanda12345678 +12, 501general -12, drannoc +9, player4578 +6, MetalGarv +14, anonamoose98 +6, HunterBlackLuna -6, and 2 more...
Base +27, Bane13 +54, Danieke +6, NotDiegoBrando +6, DennoCoil +10, TheProdigy -6, himalllloi +6, Solardrius +8, vyyyy +6, Gyberous +7, shitmate123 +6, IvanZ +6, player4578 -6, and 6 more...
Posted on 24 June 2021, 08:32 by:
Mr. Grey Score
Base +6, gravkaw -7, nolol111 -6, Danieke +6, absolugom -7, Goblin_Slayer_Jr. +11, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Lulzylulz -10, snoogenz +6, banarama -6, Dyjin -21, anonymousMember -6, DarkDZ +7, and 4 more...
Base +10, DennoCoil +10, DarkDZ +7, DiCiCanvas -6, a faggot +6, DazWolf +6, haha23 +6, rambo voller +22, melfice999 +6, bergil -6, arnoldfarnold +1, vyyyy +6, kolekzionera1 +7, and 21 more...
Posted on 24 June 2021, 21:46 by:
Naya Score
Base +6, Fofotron +19
Base +6, DiCiCanvas -6, a faggot +6, Tellex -6, Charliechan25 +6, probablynotworth -5, Krilos +6, cxz12 +6, Juggernaut Santa -30, Satoru +8, player4578 +6, snowah -7, Renuarb -6, and 2 more...
Base +7, bananafairy -7, ItalianSausage +6, ChaseRaph69 +6
Base +6, Krilos +6, Draw99Gray +18, ItalianSausage +6, RaizelX -7, Fofotron +19
Posted on 25 June 2021, 06:08 by:
byran47 Score
Base +6, a faggot -6, absolugom +7, quadTree +6, PregnantWhoreFucker +6, DTF69witU -6, melfice999 -6, Krilos +6, XzeroXTribe -8, Juggernaut Santa -30, kobatochandaisuki -8, Gyberous -7, BananowyJE -7, and 16 more...
Base +8, Juggernaut Santa +32, RaizelX +7, Jack Knife +6
Posted on 25 June 2021, 19:14 by:
Kaisigmu Score
Base +7, player4578 +6, Fofotron +19
Posted on 08 July 2021, 11:43 by:
YuriL Score
Base +6, notfunnyguy +6, Juggernaut Santa +32, BananowyJE +7, shitmate123 +6, Naz7 +6, chaqueta_pajilla -6, ItalianSausage +6, Fofotron +19
Base +6, vanfuxi +4, anonamoose98 +6, shitmate123 +6, chaqueta_pajilla -6, ItalianSausage +6, Fofotron +6, RaizelX -7
Base +8, chaqueta_pajilla +6, ItalianSausage +6, RaizelX -7, Fofotron +19, Jack Knife +6
Base +6, chaqueta_pajilla -6, ItalianSausage -6, RedScare8 -6, PrettyboyAloe -6, DazWolf -6, SSHekate -6, dom1anon -6, RaizelX +7, Fofotron -19, Greenie341 -6