Posted on 28 June 2021, 00:50 by:
Selvokaz Score
Base +6, atarau +6, mrsmilesII +6, Ryo75 +17, tracingthelines +7, absolugom +7, Vanguard_NG +6, swordpaladin +9, Arlinath +6, yoshel +6, racevel +10, barrbarus -6, bananafairy +7, and 3 more...
Base +28, that4znkid +7, Lzero777 +13, Poinf +8, mrsmilesII +6, dmont +7, the_wizard_of_old +12, Luiz GAH +6, P-dog +8, Puno510 +5, snpaa +6, Lomped +6, Ryo75 +17, and 76 more...
Base +6, culprit -7, the_wizard_of_old +12, Dulei +7, Luiz GAH +6, buiuna +6, Lomped +6, Ryo75 +17, JTLIT +6, gravkaw -7, caveman84 +6, retrox -6, cl7 +6, and 36 more...
Base +6, culprit -7, Luiz GAH +6, MarkJames +11, Ryo75 +17, JTLIT +6, gravkaw -7, IamHe +6, Fr33sh00t -6, alantupadre +6, plahplah +6, Draw99Gray +18, danielwain +9, and 37 more...
Base +3, Puno510 +5, gravkaw +7, IamHe +6, absolugom +7, Nartousamaci +6, Wangerman +6
Posted on 28 June 2021, 02:33 by:
Selvokaz Score
Base +6, absolugom +7, Rawrgna -6, Vanguard_NG +6, undefinedghost +7, bujisu -6
Posted on 28 June 2021, 03:02 by:
Hamarchy Score
Base +6, gravkaw +7, AhKai +6, AtotehZ -11, absolugom +7, Nartousamaci +6, Redhaired098 +4, The Krikk +6, catpetter69 +6, barrbarus +6, bakalicious +6, shitmate123 +6, 风之响 +6, and 1 more...
Base +8, gravkaw -7, kwajalien +13, kaerFlanA +6, alantupadre +6, Vanguard_NG +6, Danieke +6, absolugom +7, SimSim_Santin +5, Vadertan +6, Duden +6, yutshu +6, undefinedghost +7, and 25 more...
Base +6, Chrome Noir +6, Silent_Swordsman +14, kaerFlanA +6, caveman84 +6, alantupadre +6, Draw99Gray +18, leftrightup +6, Danieke +6, czerkill +10, soundsmad +6, absolugom +7, ZuluMdebele +5, and 27 more...
Base +4, IvanZ +6, Draw99Gray -18, OurAgnosia -6, asua41 -6, lw123789 +10, Bangin -4, AtotehZ +11, Giangiotto -7, absolugom +7, opaidejavi -8, JackMorrison +10, ROABE -6, and 10 more...
Base +11, alantupadre +6, Draw99Gray +18, faust05 +6, MirLatte +5, Danieke +6, czerkill +10, absolugom +7, ZuluMdebele +5, SimSim_Santin +5, Nartousamaci +6, undefinedghost +7, Solardrius +8, and 10 more...
Base +7, faust05 -6, absolugom +7, undefinedghost -7, ahgpquy +14
Posted on 28 June 2021, 06:56 by:
poke-- Score
Base +6, absolugom +7, undefinedghost +7, notfunnyguy +6, Nausea +7, shitmate123 +6, DrCogsy +6
Base +6, absolugom +7, cornerstone12 +5, Lzero777 +13, Gigas002 +6, SimSim_Santin +5, Nartousamaci +6, Vadertan +6, Duden +6, Bismuth1104 +8, Vanguard_NG +6, undefinedghost +7, Revengeancedude77 +6, and 13 more...
Posted on 28 June 2021, 07:40 by:
OMJay Score
Base +6, absolugom +7, Lzero777 +13, riswald +6, undefinedghost +7, Solardrius +8, Wangerman +6, BoomaBob001 +6, kokinoko +7, notfunnyguy -6, shitmate123 +6, person987 +6, Despair3042 +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 28 June 2021, 09:09 by:
jere512 Score
Base +6, Bangin +4, AtotehZ -11, Metrevil -7, absolugom -7, bindara -9, Gigas002 +6, Nartousamaci +6, Blackcloud288 +6, undefinedghost +7, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Solardrius +8, saintzeth -6, and 8 more...
Base +27, absolugom +7, Blackcloud288 +6, undefinedghost +7, Wangerman +6, person987 +6
Base +2, absolugom +7, Vanguard_NG +6, undefinedghost +7, notfunnyguy -6, JLanger36 +6, DrCogsy +6
Posted on 28 June 2021, 09:52 by:
Azeira Score
Base +6, snpaa +6, Ammokkx +6, absolugom +7, opaidejavi +8, JackMorrison +10, IvanZ +6, ZuluMdebele +5, Nartousamaci +6, Sottunar +6, Blackcloud288 +6, Bismuth1104 +8, Vanguard_NG +6, and 16 more...
Base +6, absolugom +7, ROABE -6, Vanguard_NG +6, DellDELLER -6, notfunnyguy -6, Spoopyman +6, racevel +10, shitmate123 -6, bananafairy -7, _Zap_ -12, b51de +7, Dooderz -8, and 4 more...
Base +7, absolugom +7, Metal_splurge +6, YamiKonjiki +6, Nartousamaci +6, undefinedghost +7, Acerola-Orion +3, notfunnyguy +6
Posted on 28 June 2021, 15:05 by:
bergil Score
Base +6, absolugom -7, Nartousamaci +6, undefinedghost +7, NapalmFlame +6, BungeeLove +8, Publix Hair -6, JLanger36 +6, bananafairy +7
Base +6, absolugom -7, Makareno +6, Nartousamaci +6, undefinedghost +7, saintzeth -6, Negi-Sensei -17, DellDELLER +6, Redhaired098 +4, BungeeLove -8, Krilos +6, barrbarus +6, bananafairy -7, and 4 more...
Base +6, undefinedghost +7, Negi-Sensei +17, BungeeLove +8, JLanger36 +6, bananafairy +7
Posted on 28 June 2021, 16:26 by:
bergil Score
Base +6, undefinedghost +7, Negi-Sensei +17, elvendrunk -11
Base +4, Bane13 +54, Puno510 +5, undefinedghost +7, Negi-Sensei +17, absolugom +7, Wangerman +6, elwendys +6, Jizz23 +6, Ashvinoth +7
Posted on 28 June 2021, 19:26 by:
brood Score
Base +6, Metal_splurge +6, undefinedghost +7, absolugom +7, Lazy_Penguin1989 +6
Posted on 28 June 2021, 20:01 by:
rastam55 Score
Base +6, Puno510 +5, Blackcloud288 +6, undefinedghost +7, Solardrius +8, SimSim_Santin +5, notfunnyguy +6, b51de +7
Base +6, Vanguard_NG +6, undefinedghost +7, absolugom +7, Negi-Sensei +17, Acerola-Orion +3, BungeeLove +8, JLanger36 +6
Posted on 29 June 2021, 01:09 by:
bergil Score
Base +6, absolugom -7, Negi-Sensei +17, DiCiCanvas -6, BungeeLove -8, ahgpquy +14, MelmothTheWanderer +34
Base +6, kaerFlanA +6, Plot manga pls +6, barrbarus +6, shitmate123 +6, JLanger36 +6
Base +6, Solardrius +8, leftrightup +6, Negi-Sensei +17, absolugom +7, Wangerman +6, SimSim_Santin +5, Tadomeku +7, WolfbladeW +6, BungeeLove +8, Scumbini +37, notfunnyguy +6, shitmate123 +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 29 June 2021, 05:35 by:
Base +6, absolugom +7, toddlersocks -3, shitmate123 +6
Base +4, absolugom +7, ahgpquy +14
Base +8, Negi-Sensei +17, CJustice +10, notfunnyguy +6, shitmate123 +6, Krilos +6, ahgpquy -14, barrbarus +6, JLanger36 +6, VictoryOmega12 +6
Base +9, absolugom +7, shitmate123 +6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11
Posted on 29 June 2021, 23:38 by:
*lesigh* Score
Base +6, Negi-Sensei -17, absolugom -7, Acerola-Orion -3, DellDELLER -6, Redhaired098 +4, BungeeLove -8, notfunnyguy +6, ahgpquy +14, Gelato +6
Posted on 01 July 2021, 20:05 by:
巴西龟好吃 Score
Base +2
Posted on 02 July 2021, 12:11 by:
Zoeintai Score
Base +7, Acerola-Orion +3, ItsFriday +6, Cakeshine +6, BungeeLove +8, Plot manga pls +6, ahgpquy +14, ultimateninja77 +6, shitmate123 +6, JLanger36 +6, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, fudragon146 +6, Cutthroatxx +5
Base +6, Acerola-Orion +3, BungeeLove +8, rockarolla +6, JLanger36 +6
Base +6, notfunnyguy +6, Plot manga pls +6, barrbarus +6, shitmate123 +6, JLanger36 +6, ierrul6 +5, b51de -7, Beans7897 +1, TheRokyando +7
Posted on 09 July 2021, 11:43 by:
NoEscep Score
Base +1, JLanger36 +6, kelvinluk +6, Eerls +6
Base +6, barrbarus +6, ultimateninja77 -6, DobK234 +4, shitmate123 +6, Gelato +6, lixewup -6, Beans7897 +1, Th3 Sl0th -6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, kelvinluk -6, fudragon146 -6, grandmastersiege -18, and 2 more...
Posted on 27 August 2021, 11:43 by:
LordGard Score
Base +6, kelvinluk +6
Base +6, DobK234 -4, lixewup +6, Beans7897 -1, AnimeLov3rxXx -11, kelvinluk +6, fudragon146 +6, Loli-kun +6, WafuWafu~ +9, mikebeezy -6
Base +8, bananafairy -7, Beans7897 -1, fudragon146 +6, Waitugreat -28, mikebeezy -6