Posted on 29 June 2021, 10:43 by:
Lanc3r Base +33, tubo +6, duke_of_finland +6, as102 +11, Gargamuza -6, arbitraryalias -6, ShiningBlade +6, shadowknight007 +7, chanzy +9, yani6 +8, fiestyferret +6, thequack1212 -6, aguy121212 +6, and 31 more...
Posted on 29 June 2021, 12:10 by:
skyless0 Score
Base +6, yukkurikeeper +6, tubo +6, umakeisee -6, Gargamuza -6, Ineedanadult +9, ShiningBlade +6, Secundus -7, The14thNoah +11, Lanc3r +7, thequack1212 -6, Dinaih +6, Elbowsmash -6, and 15 more...
Posted on 29 June 2021, 15:34 by:
Redmark Score
Base +6, Shardshatter +6, umakeisee +6, Gargamuza -6, arbitraryalias -6, TheReaper +10, Ineedanadult +9, ShiningBlade +6, Secundus -7, Bullettime -6, archmancer8 +5, chanzy +9, retrospectrum +7, and 48 more...
Posted on 30 June 2021, 00:53 by:
AhKai Score
Base +6, The14thNoah +11, altereggo +18, AdmiralCrunch +6, Zelalinz +7, sumiyu +1
Base +6, Orsinial +7, tmlptmlptmlp +8, Elbowsmash +6, MisterReaper +7, altereggo +18, IncognitoMaud +6, SuperAnanasik +12, potato1919 +6, Stars R Kool +5, Runnerdown +5, Guggy +7, moneyapple +6
Base +11, Shardshatter +6, Dinaih +6, Soliloque -6, tmlptmlptmlp +8, Elbowsmash -6, Stavol2Dual +6, Ridr +6, altereggo -18, The Inker -8, vgndtt +10, Ugly Ameoba +6, AdmiralCrunch +6, and 9 more...
Posted on 30 June 2021, 20:25 by:
Chinro Score
Base +6, Lanc3r +7, sssss465 +6, Episode11 +7, Elbowsmash +6, sissam +6, altereggo +18, kingra3 +7, sithiria +6, IncognitoMaud +6, potato1919 +6, NicoNicoKMS +6, moneyapple +6, and 1 more...
Base +8, altereggo +18, Stars R Kool -5, a35240 +9, Paintball +8
Base +8, idiotwithacomputer +6, Lanc3r +7, sithiria +6, cosmoex +6, pointtopoint +6, silverballz +6, Ugly Ameoba +6, potato1919 +6, Derhguy443 +6, bigmak +6, Paintball +8, Nausea +7, and 8 more...
Base +8, kachua88 +6, idiotwithacomputer +6, CiberSamurai +6, Nausea +7, NicoNicoKMS +6, Nazure +14, Null2177 +6, WolfbladeW +6, Washma Butt +10, Ost666 +6, Mangelesium +6, Paintball +8
Base +6, ToadTheLoser +6, Ahegaosensei -6, kdavis -6, SuperAnanasik -12, bucicus -6, necrosis527 -11, mickeysofine -6, Mad Mage -6, gondantez -7, lllL0VElll -6
Posted on 27 January 2023, 01:41 by:
IHavoc Score
Base +8, Scarman000 +17, Ost666 +6