One thing you should learn, never post "previews" of your work here, either a full comic or don't post at all, it will do you more harm than good trying to promote your work
Base +6, HatsuneIL +6, Thewhatever +6, voxxyn +9, pornfannumberwhatevs +16
@Zenox1000 First of all can you show me in my comment any shred of "hating"?
Second of all judging by the 0.98 star rating from 38 reviews and the -5 next to your comment you're the one in the minority here.
You shouldn't post previews to your work here keep that to DeviantArt or Pixiv or whatever place you make these, look around you, everything here is a full comic.
Base +6, Thewhatever +6, voxxyn +9, pornfannumberwhatevs +16, HatsuneIL +6