Base +7, weedlayer +8, hacklol +7, theboredotaku +6
Base +6, oheye +9, Cmdrtimbt +6, Findmeanaxe +7, hacklol +7, zzzbbbzzz2003 +6, bananaramadama-sama +7, SuperGenericAnon +8, Rabaa +7, Bubblejum +6, Nicosai +18, Drocher1489 +6, sinserrr +7, and 6 more...
Posted on 03 July 2021, 08:24 by:
nabusco Score
Base +8, Rose Garden +10, Shade080 +8, Findmeanaxe +7, Grimz +7, hacklol +7, bananaramadama-sama +7, SuperGenericAnon +8, Rabaa +7, ComplexSavior +6, faust05 +6, IncognitoMaud +6, Anubert +4
Base +7, mylagos +8, Anubert +4
Posted on 03 July 2021, 14:44 by:
possum1 Score
Base +8, Shade080 +8, Exhausted +8, Gentleman Chimera +8, Findmeanaxe +7, bigscuba +7, hacklol +7, Nesray +7, zzzbbbzzz2003 +6, drannoc +9, ABDC +6, ghostvortex100 +6, Bubblejum +6, and 10 more...
Posted on 03 July 2021, 14:54 by:
truefire Score
Base +6, touhoumou -6, Rose Garden +10, Shade080 +8, Darksword696 +19, Gentleman Chimera +8, Findmeanaxe +7, hacklol +7, bigscuba +7, Themonta +8, zzzbbbzzz2003 +6, cozothebozo -11, Viora_Omega +5, and 11 more...
Base +6, zzzbbbzzz2003 +6, cozothebozo +11, Hurahara -22, Bubblejum +6, Infinite251 +6, Olivki -6
Posted on 03 July 2021, 23:08 by:
truefire Score
Base +6, bigscuba +7, Bubblejum +6, SonicBlu +6, Gentleman Chimera +8, Nausea +7, Olivki +6, Blaze_fire +8, Anubert +4, agreg +8, AxelLow75 +6
Base +7, Purple98 +6, znofuture +7, Olivki +6
Posted on 04 July 2021, 06:46 by:
Debonair Score
Base +7, Rabaa +7
Base +6, Bubblejum +6, mylagos +8, blitz317 +6, bahki +6, Halazar91 +6, Gentleman Chimera +8, bigscuba +7, thenewdrax +7, agreg +8
Posted on 07 July 2021, 15:22 by:
RPin Score
Base +7, unown(0) -9, kuroshinzo -22, Seaguller -6, Ggmdark -7, Gentleman Chimera -8, sinfullkill -6
Posted on 19 September 2021, 23:32 by:
Hyoros Score
Base +15, bigscuba +7, agreg +8