Posted on 06 July 2021, 14:34 by:
QueenP Posted on 06 July 2021, 14:53 by:
Foostini Score
Base +2, Shinxix +8, nothingspecialhere42 +6, InsertJokeHere7 +2, rising11 +9, ryuzakil -8, DragonLover88 +6, Coachgreg121 +3, absolugom +7, msrat +7, bentonfalls +6, NotDiegoBrando +6, Smasher7 +4, and 2 more...
Posted on 06 July 2021, 16:50 by:
genyatus Score
Base +7, rising11 +9, jake1237 +7, Themonta -8, ryuzakil -8, DragonLover88 +6, hermit20 +6, Coachgreg121 +3, c100329 -2, FishingForTeeth -7, gymgeoff +11, absolugom +7, WolfbladeW +6, and 10 more...
Base +4, gymgeoff -11, absolugom +7, msrat +7, bentonfalls -6, jbopmajic +8, BungeeLove +8, ezhentai69 +7, Anon_3.141 +6, Smasher7 +4, Beans7897 -1, Oddysee -6
Base +6, absolugom +7, msrat +7, bentonfalls -6, jbopmajic +8, BungeeLove +8, ezhentai69 +7, Oddysee -6, Beans7897 -6