More complete than this gallery /g/928595/4b1010091a/, whose uploader forgot several scenes! But I couldn't find a way to rip animations...Sorry... ( ;∀;)
Websites for references: (Interestingly enough, it's uploaded every years to extend the copyright... Huh, weird)
It is said the artist is Kazuma Murasama, but I think the art looks more like Outou Mikuru (桜東みくる) who tried to mimick Kazuma Muramasa's art... Check it out and compare for yourself: /g/1029933/08c892cd94/ Same way of drawing eyes, hair, knees etc.
As for the game, it's weird. There's tons of unused CG leftovers from Raidy III (and two badly modified artworks!), recoloring of zakos, unused CGs... It's safe to say the developers were rushed and didn't found the time to do what they really wanted. BUT on the bright side, it ends with a "TO BE CONTINUED"... Maybe there will be a Raidy IV in the future?! I want it to happens to badly!! But I doubt it'll ever happens... What do you think? ( ;∀;)
I too doubt it will ever happen, i liked Raidy 1 and 2, i never completed the 3, felt too slow and pretty bad compared to the prequels. Plus the change of Raidy VA kinda hits the game too
Base +5, CatgirlFanatic +7, danielwain +9, notfuzzy +7