Base +15, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Christianomanu +9, JTLIT +6, alllifeinfate +6, breanyman +6, AnotherMexican +6, viniccius36 +5, Unst99 +12, clearandsweet +6, absolugom +7, 黒の鳳 +6, zukuenft -9, and 25 more...
Base +4, DrakovZ-E-D +6, rambo voller +22, deviatesfish +8, viniccius36 +5, absolugom +7, Tryndamere95 +14, nodire +6, okmonger +9, nisor04 +11, bentonfalls +6, Keric22 +6, Sanguine09 +7, and 14 more...
Base +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, rambo voller +22, blueprints +6, alllifeinfate +6, absolugom +7, Tryndamere95 +14, okmonger +9, bentonfalls +6, Keric22 +6, hyyysar +6, Reinhardlohengramm +6, mysto0 +6, and 14 more...
Base +31, zombi007 +6, rambo voller +22, alllifeinfate +6, Lostalgia +9, 8050 +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, guilhermephoda +12, absolugom +7, Tryndamere95 +14, okmonger +9, nisor04 +11, SocksGalore +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 16 July 2021, 08:55 by:
Ferrate Score
Base +7, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Danjian +6, jshin +6, absolugom +7, ZoZo413 +6, SukanMedik +9, Randuin +6, cynamonbunz +34, Draw99Gray +18, balmung60 +7, Keric22 +6, tonyci +6, and 27 more...
Posted on 16 July 2021, 09:02 by:
nabusco Score
Base +8, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Danjian +6, absolugom +7, Tryndamere95 +14, balmung60 +7, Keric22 +6, mdr33flame +7, Orcfri +9, mrblegh +6, mysto0 +6, Larvaska +6, OMJay +6, and 7 more...
Base +7, LelouchLamperouge +3, AnotherMexican +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, jshin +6, alan19 +6, absolugom +7, SukanMedik +9, Tryndamere95 +14, okmonger +9, cynamonbunz +34, Draw99Gray +18, that4znkid +7, and 33 more...
Base +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, jshin +6, Ayelander +6, absolugom +7, balmung60 +7, Keric22 +6, asdfasdf0987654 +6, Ashvinoth +7, mysto0 +6, lilstank +5, abrickhouse +6, Uncle Joe +5, and 2 more...
Base +6, 8050 +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, jshin +6, Ayelander +6, absolugom +7, okmonger +9, Draw99Gray +18, balmung60 +7, Keric22 -6, whatthetit +6, asdfasdf0987654 +6, GravityUguu +6, and 7 more...
Posted on 16 July 2021, 15:29 by:
dedpanda Score
Base +14, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Randuin +6, absolugom +7, Keric22 +6, deathbringer_jo +9, lilstank -5, Da Boyz -6, Sugarsparkle -9, onlyregistere +14, peterw +6
Base +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Randuin +6, absolugom +7, tomyin42 +4, balmung60 +7, Keric22 +6, banarama +6, deathbringer_jo +9, SpazAlicious +6, Ashvinoth +7, m42a +17, lilstank +5, and 17 more...
Base +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, absolugom +7, balmung60 +7, Keric22 +6, Ashvinoth +7, lilstank +5, nothinbutafren +6, Masmium +6, SMG5317 +6, Hugh Jarse +6, Wilfriback +18, Sugarsparkle +9, and 2 more...
Base +7, absolugom +7, Keric22 +6, Ashvinoth +7, DrakovZ-E-D +6, SMG5317 +6, Hugh Jarse +6, Sugarsparkle +9
Posted on 16 July 2021, 23:54 by:
Sydin Score
Base +9, BATMANS PANTALOONS +6, balmung60 +7, Keric22 +6, tonyci +6, absolugom +7, GravityUguu +6, DrakovZ-E-D +6, nothinbutafren +6, Nausea +7, SMG5317 +6, Hugh Jarse +6, Venom Snake +6, and 2 more...
Base +5, absolugom +7, DrakovZ-E-D +6, Hugh Jarse +6, Sugarsparkle -9
Base +6, absolugom +7, DrakovZ-E-D +6, abrickhouse +6, Nausea +7, Drocher1489 +6, SMG5317 +6, Hugh Jarse +6, Sugarsparkle +9, DrinkLiquids +6
Posted on 24 July 2021, 05:17 by:
Love Pie Score
Base +6, SMG5317 -6, fapyerway -2, Venom Snake -6, galiferr -8, Sugarsparkle -9, Pantswithoutpants -6, melancholica -6, onlyregistere -14