Base +6, Clayton Smith +5, Dark Djinn +6, BrainBrian +8, Eureka_seveN77 +6, WhoBeMe +7, Renegadescribe +6, Azriel_Satan +6, Guardsman40k +7, Bigblack1298 +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, SatalinLoveJr +6, kafi +7, and 37 more...
Posted on 16 July 2021, 23:03 by:
kingyoyo Score
Last edited on 16 July 2021, 23:53.
Base +6, Clayton Smith +5, patricksonjoseph +6, BrainBrian +8, Eureka_seveN77 +6, WhoBeMe +7, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, Sokol-1 +6, SatalinLoveJr +6, kafi +7, sodmeva +6, V972 +7, and 48 more...
Posted on 16 July 2021, 23:12 by:
Reaver2u Score
Base +6, Clayton Smith +5, patricksonjoseph +6, BrainBrian +8, Eureka_seveN77 +6, Hung Hoe +5, WhoBeMe +7, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, raysson +7, Guardsman40k +7, Bigblack1298 +6, Globulor +6, and 72 more...
Posted on 16 July 2021, 23:34 by:
Ricchi Score
Base +6, patricksonjoseph +6, Eureka_seveN77 +6, WhoBeMe +7, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, Bigblack1298 +6, SatalinLoveJr +6, molten1 +9, Dustfinger +13, Wafgkji +6, Yoshi-K +6, Guardsman40k +7, and 20 more...
Base +5, BrainBrian +8, Eureka_seveN77 +6, WhoBeMe +7, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, SatalinLoveJr +6, kenry +7, Wafgkji +6, patricksonjoseph +6, Yoshi-K +6, Guardsman40k +7, FFFFFACK +9, and 13 more...
Base +6, BigOOFF +5, Bigblack1298 +6, sodmeva +6, linkelf22 +6, patricksonjoseph +6, Yoshi-K +6, Guardsman40k +7, Barethor -6, ADIN0 +2, ILikeItThicc +6, PepperoniFloyd +4, kingbw -6, and 2 more...
Base +6, bob the spartan -6, kafi +7, shinigami_darkrei -6, Barethor -6, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, QuothIt -6, firehaz -11, ADIN0 +2, LunaCat -6, Aalok/Alvah -6, PepperoniFloyd +4, Twentytwenty -7, and 4 more...
Base +8, Hung Hoe +5, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, John Silker +4, SatalinLoveJr +6, kenry +7, Letto Lettosa +6, Guardsman40k +7, Barethor -6, firehaz -11, ADIN0 +2, kikimaru024 +23, and 11 more...
Base +3, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, Kight +14, SatalinLoveJr +6, sodmeva +6, kenry +7, Letto Lettosa +6, Wafgkji +6, Yoshi-K +6, sleegleheeble21 -6, Guardsman40k +7, JamieHeartman +6, and 13 more...
Base +3, absolugom +7, Pirodicanla +6, Barethor +6, firehaz +11, ADIN0 +2, PepperoniFloyd +4
Base +10, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, Kight +14, kafi +7, kenry +7, Wafgkji +6, Yoshi-K +6, sleegleheeble21 -6, Guardsman40k +7, JamieHeartman +6, FFFFFACK +9, SatalinLoveJr +6, and 14 more...
Posted on 17 July 2021, 02:31 by:
kingyoyo Score
Base +6, FFFFFACK +9, firehaz +11, ADIN0 +2
Posted on 17 July 2021, 03:19 by:
nicrocon Score
Base +7, Barethor +6, ADIN0 +2
Posted on 17 July 2021, 04:13 by:
Ataco Score
Base +6, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, kafi -7, ReilaNeko +6, V972 -7, absolugom -7, Letto Lettosa -6, BigOOFF -5, Garret9312 -6, Wafgkji -6, theboredotaku +6, Yoshi-K -6, Mixedcheeses -4, and 17 more...
Base +10, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, justlookingforporn +6, Alice S.H. -6, kafi +7, kenry +7, Letto Lettosa +6, BigOOFF +5, Yoshi-K +6, Guardsman40k +7, JamieHeartman +6, FFFFFACK +9, xburner337 +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 17 July 2021, 08:27 by:
knolli Score
Base +18, ReilaNeko +6, BrownPillow -11, absolugom -7, Letto Lettosa -6, Redwy +6, molten1 -9, Garret9312 -6, biergesetz -5, tobi hentai -6, theboredotaku +6, ziggyb -7, Yoshi-K -6, and 23 more...
Posted on 17 July 2021, 08:39 by:
Xetix999 Score
Base +6, Barethor -6, firehaz +11, ADIN0 +2, noooo_oo_oo +11
Base +3, BigOOFF +5, ecchikuri -8, ZimZamster -6, Nameless Ciel -6, TheGameBoy50 -6, JamieHeartman +6, FFFFFACK +9, Barethor -6, Taranan -11, ssjhunterkiller -6, absolugom -7, Attecus -6, and 11 more...
Posted on 17 July 2021, 20:44 by:
bahki Score
Base +6, absolugom +7, BigOOFF +5, Renegadescribe +6, big_yikes +5, Mixedcheeses +4, FFFFFACK +9, Barethor -6, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, ADIN0 +2, PepperoniFloyd +4, bbnnbbbb +7, BigUnderWaterGucci +5, and 15 more...
Posted on 17 July 2021, 20:59 by:
knolli Score
Base +18, Garret9312 -6, sleegleheeble21 +6, nowaydude97 -8, Barethor +6, ssjhunterkiller +6, firehaz +11, ADIN0 +2, Lilisionnach +2
Posted on 17 July 2021, 22:15 by:
Chenaput Score
Base +7, big_yikes +5, FFFFFACK +9, EvilSaphire -6, Barethor -6, firehaz -11, ADIN0 +2, kingbw -6, Ultima Dragon -23, TheGreasyFerret -6, ThatIvanGuy +6, JAB1993 -7
Posted on 18 July 2021, 00:29 by:
Ataco Score
Base +6, Garret9312 -6, absolugom -7, ecchikuri +8, Mixedcheeses -4, BigOOFF -5, JamieHeartman +6, FFFFFACK -9, bob the spartan -6, Barethor +6, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, Kileraa -9, cukrownik -8, and 10 more...
Base +11, Densuke +7, BigOOFF +5, ziggyb +7, Jstar229 -6, JamieHeartman +6, justlookingforporn +6, Barethor -6, Ikitsumatatsu -12, firehaz -11, avikdas99 +8, ADIN0 +2, Redhaired098 +4, and 12 more...
Base +5, JamieHeartman +6, Burbo +6, Barethor -6, ADIN0 +2, racer0522 +3
Last edited on 18 July 2021, 23:40.
Base +6, ReilaNeko -6, Kight -14, Alice S.H. -6, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, QuothIt -6, absolugom -7, HappySlappy -6, ADIN0 +2, FernandoDF -7, Void161 -6, buttobicpu -28, sauerkraut -22
Base +6, BigOOFF +5, big_yikes +5, Jstar229 +6, FFFFFACK +9, nowaydude97 +8, Eureka_seveN77 +6, Barethor -6, firehaz +11, avikdas99 +8, ADIN0 +2, cycloa24 +6, racer0522 +3, and 7 more...
Base +6, JamieHeartman +6, FFFFFACK +9, bassfu +6, justlookingforporn +6, Barethor -6, absolugom +7, firehaz -11, ADIN0 +2, racer0522 +3, holow123 +6, BigOOFF +5, Ultima Dragon -23, and 2 more...
Posted on 27 July 2021, 02:57 by:
nicrocon Score
Base +7, Barethor +6, firehaz +11, ADIN0 +2, Void161 +6
Posted on 27 July 2021, 03:17 by:
ofKing Score
Base +6, nowaydude97 +8, justlookingforporn +6, Kim7602 +17, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, Barethor -6, Jananel +6, absolugom +7, Mamuth0ne +4, GreenIN +6, Blargch +6, nothingspecialhere42 +6, BigOOFF +5, and 19 more...
Posted on 27 July 2021, 06:24 by:
Rakuko Score
Base +6, firehaz +11, ADIN0 +2
Base +4, ADIN0 +2, WanderingLegend +3, kingbw -6
Base +22, ADIN0 +2, unicorn901 +7, WanderingLegend +3, kingbw -6
Base +5, BigOOFF +5, ADIN0 +2, AnimeLov3rxXx +10, unicorn901 +7, SapphireScorpio +6, bob the spartan +6, bassfu +6, BrainBrian +8, holow123 +6, Renegadescribe +6, WanderingLegend +3, kingbw -6, and 3 more...
Base +6, HappySlappy -6, V972 -7, BigOOFF -5, KnightBloodZero -6, ADIN0 +2, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, FernandoDF -7, KegsNBarrels -6, Bombings -6, TVGuru1234 -6, BigUnderWaterGucci -5, Nosmicomicles -7, and 7 more...
Base +7, Eureka_seveN77 -6, ADIN0 +3
Posted on 26 October 2021, 23:48 by:
Seabook Score
Base +6, Eureka_seveN77 +6, bassfu +6, BrainBrian +8, bakabitch +6, MJTH +8, Densuke +7, leftrightup +6, Renegadescribe +6, deadarm +6, kingbw -6, BigOOFF +5, ADIN0 +3, and 4 more...
Posted on 27 October 2021, 03:26 by:
nicrocon Score
Base +7, wonderbread08 +6, 27midgarnegro84 +11, XList +6, MJTH +8, leftrightup +6, kemono69 +13, Renegadescribe +6, kingbw -6, BigOOFF +5, ADIN0 +3, SatalinLoveJr +6, Void161 +6, and 1 more...
Posted on 27 October 2021, 23:49 by:
Selvokaz Score
Base +6, ADIN0 +3
Base +6, BigOOFF +5, ADIN0 +3, SatalinLoveJr +6, Reala689 -6, Void161 +6, fappyqaz +6, ThatIvanGuy +6