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Yume Kondo from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW) []

Yume Kondo from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

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Posted on 18 July 2021, 01:26 by:   Rankawaii    PM
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Yume Kondo from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)
written on October 17, 2014 by Tier

This entry was posted in Figure Review and tagged 1/7 scale, Figures, hentai, Native, Review, yume kondo.
Yume Kondo
Native’s Creators Collection line
measuring only about 13.5 centimeters in height
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photographer "Tier" - Description:
Yume Kondo from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

And we’re back, this short break from posting being productively used to accomplish things (which is to say, I had a lot of business to get done in a couple of video games that I play; both of them have received or will soon receive expansions which modify gameplay and remove content and I had to complete some things before they became impossible to achieve). We’ll resume figure reviewing with this character, named Yume Kondo, an original character from Native’s Creators Collection line. Even though companies like Alphamax and Dragon Toy have made some very nice ero figures, it’s always a treat to look at a Native product, and Yume is no exception.

Yume is an original character designed by CUTEG, an artist who, oddly enough, lists her residence as Iceland on her Pixiv profile. That’s rather difficult to believe, but what is true is that she’s not Japanese; she’s Korean, which is also a little odd, given the often turbulent relations between the peoples of those countries. However, like a few of her compatriots, she’s found success in the mainstream Japanese anime industry, having illustrated the light novel Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! (we looked at Konoe Tsuruma, one of the main characters from that series, a while back).

And now her work has been adapted into this figure. Like most of Native’s stuff, this figure is 1/7 scale, but she’s still rather small, measuring only about 13.5 centimeters in height. Also, like most of Native’s products, she comes with a ton of accessories, which we’ll talk about in a bit.

As expected from Native and Max Factory, her sculpt is really well done and there isn’t much to quibble about regarding the technical aspects of her design. She does have some interesting stylistic aspects, though, that some people might not care for. For one, her head is really, really large relative to her body. Aside from imparting an incongruous look to her body, it also makes her look rather younger, which some people might be uncomfortable with (though then, there’s a helluva lot of things that are commonplace in even mainstream anime that might make people uncomfortable).

Her bust size certainly isn’t that of a little girl’s, however. Now that I think about it, I don’t recall ever hearing too many people express a liking for characters with loli bodies but large breasts; usually a preference for a flat chest goes with this sort of thing. Nonetheless Yume is quite racked. Her big breasts are perhaps a bit discordant with the rest of her body but nonetheless they look nice, although her right tit is squished upwards in sort of a curious manner.

We’ll just get this part of the discussion out of the way now; she does indeed have detailed genitalia. Unfortunately she doesn’t have a realistically-sculpted anus. The positioning of her hands and shirt make it difficult to actually ever see this part in practice but for those who are concerned about this thing, rest assured that it’s there.

Yume offers a number of display options. Her glasses are removable; indeed, they’re sort of a pain to get them on her face. Without them, she seems to look a little older, though maybe that’s just my impression.

The wrapped condom slots into her mouth via a little tab; it’s also not particularly steady so I threw both of them back in the box.

However, she seems to have quite a different look without the glasses or condom; it’s easier to see her doe-eyed expression, which shows off a bit of embarrassment, perhaps tinged with anticipation. She’s quite cute, though the adult accoutrements that accompany her transform that cuteness into something a great deal more lewd.

Her accessories include a large vibrator dildo, a smaller egg vibrator, more condoms (Yume apparently came prepared for a party), a handbag, and a skirt – not really a separate garment, it’s just a U-shaped thing that goes over her leg. The sex toys will definitely come in handy for future photo reviews of other figures. In lieu of the typical plastic base she has a soft cushion and a couple of pillows; the cushion is quite spongy, though, and sometimes she doesn’t stay quite upright on it.

She also has a couple of extra clothing options; she can be displayed with a sweater tied around her waist and with her panties lowered to her knees. An instruction sheet is provided to show how to remove both; she separates at the midsection and her plastic panties are elastic enough that you can slide them up and off. Her sweater fits tightly and I was concerned that there might be some paint scraping on her skin, but fortunately I didn’t notice any transfer. I’m not displaying her with sweater, though, just in case.

Her white shirt doesn’t come off and nothing is provided for covering up her exposed breast. I would imagine anyone interested in Native figures has already made a determination whether this is something he or she is comfortable displaying, anyway.

As expected, Yume Kondo is a lovely figure, as almost all Native figures are. She embodies an attractive mix of gentle innocence and, well, wanton sexuality. She also has a cute, though a bit eclectic, body type that moves away from expected design conventions. And her facial expression is adorable, with her big, expressive eyes exuding appeal. The only thing I would like to have been done differently would be for Yume to be a little larger, but that’s a comparatively minor thing; she still looks great.
Posted on 18 July 2021, 01:50 by:   Rankawaii    PM
Score -23
10 Responses to Yume Kondo from the Native Creators Collection (NSFW)

Aya says:
October 18, 2014 at 7:13 AM
Yeah without the glasses and condom her face looks totally different ^^ so basically the theme for her is to have slut appearance with innocent looking face, pretty common on ero manga/game. very nice one but I never expect to see sex toys on native figure before ahaha

Tier says:
October 20, 2014 at 2:47 AM
Indeed! Native did actually pass out little 1/7 scale dildo accessories way back in the day; during Wonder Festival several years back, as I recall. It was meant as a replacement for Kotone Ousaka’s banana, I think. It’s neat that they brought the idea back here.

Wieselhead says:
October 18, 2014 at 1:38 PM
This was worth the wait, good to see a new review here and of a lovely figure ( ^∇^).
I was actually a little bit worried, but ok playing games is sometimes a nicer option to spend time.The glasses are great, the outdated gear works so well with her very sweet round face.
They did a great job with golden – orange eyes and also her stubs nose. Native always has a good eye for appealing character designs with strong expressive faces.

I like her boobs, not really necessary to push them up with such a size, though. You could say that she’s trying too hard to show her seductive side, which is something I think is cute in some way or another. Her small yet round butt is great, I like the hill like transition from thighs to the buttocks

Standing up would also be also a nice way to have this figure, but nevertheless it’s great how she pulls her shirt down in the middle from the sides you can have a glimpse of her cute crotch. I think it looks better without the pullover. The base is a lovely idea though, it looks so vanilla and cozy, time for a pillow fight. Well a few rectangular pillows are probably easily made DIY, but it’s good they were added to the package already. Talking about package, I didn’t order her because of the sextoys, partially. I really don’t like such things, nor the idea of inserting electric rubber tools XD

Orchid Seed set the bar for lewd or better said questionable figures so high a few days ago, it’s so wrong that it’s already right, ahaha. in comparison this teenage girl doesn’t seem that lewd, actually It’s already outweighed by her cuteness.

Great job with the pictures, the lighting is really fitting for the mood that this figure emits, 04 and 20 are really beautiful (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Tier says:
October 20, 2014 at 2:52 AM
I must admit it was very relaxing to not think too much about this website. It’s good to take an extended break from time to time. Plus I started watching some anime; this season actually has some series that I like. Cross Ange seems like it could be a really fun show.

She really has a cute and distinctive design; I have a few hundred figures in my collection but not too many look like her. Yeah, I don’t care too much for the sweater, either; I figure that in the scenario she’s in, she probably wouldn’t have the shirt wrapped around her waist, anyway. The sex toys make this figure extra special XD It’s hilarious and adorable how this cute little girl has those saucy toys laying around.

Haha, yeah, that Orchid Seed figure is something else. I don’t know if I will order it myself but I have to give them respect (of sorts) for putting out such a product. Some part of me feels like this hobby – and anime in general – has gone past the bounds of decency but I guess if that really bothered me, I would’ve left both a while back.

MaybeNotMyRealName says:
October 18, 2014 at 1:46 PM
Great photos, great review, great figure. Keep up the great work!

Tier says:
October 20, 2014 at 2:53 AM
Thanks! I guess I need to decide which figures I’ll review next … I’d like to do the Seven Deadly Sins figure reviews soon, hmm …

bostonbrandon says:
October 19, 2014 at 10:25 PM
I like Native as much as the next guy… who, ahem… likes semi nude to fully gratuitous figures. In any case I like Yume, maybe not as much as some of Native’s others. But, more than a few of their other recent drops. None the less I kind of got the feeling that her main appeal for me would be the extra props.
This was the main reason behind my not picking her up. Otherwise, I wasn’t wild about her biting down on a condom display option. Which I’m fairly certain was the only option shown when given the opportunity to pre-order.
Having said that, she does look extremely cute without anything on her face. If possible I will pick her up on the after market. And the good stuff. Well, I really loved her breast sculpt ( I know not the norm). In particular her unclasped bra. Which, is a completely under-utilized aspect of sexiness in the figure world.

Tier says:
October 20, 2014 at 2:55 AM
Yeah, I’d agree with that; I like the other Native figures I have more than Yume, though that’s mainly because I generally prefer older-looking characters, but this sort of character design is good too. And I guess even some odd-looking character designs don’t bug me as much as I thought they might; I went looking around Mandarake for Sasaki not too long ago.

Sky says:
October 21, 2014 at 12:44 PM
She’s very good! I love the native figures so much…I hate the very small and too much accessories but they are fun, I wish I had seen this one earlier though I would have snatched one for myself but I guess I missed it… native figures do not appear normally like new figures appear at my regular shopping website “amiami” I don’t know why exactly. One thing I love about native too is that their 1/7 scale is as big as some 1/6s from other makers and that’s very cool.

Tier says:
October 31, 2014 at 12:32 AM
Native only officially sells their figures through their website, I think, though it’s sometimes not too difficult to buy them from American retailers. They don’t ever sell through any of the Japanese retail websites, though, like Amiami or Hobby Search. They recently opened up their webshop to international orders but unfortunately they only ship to a limited group of countries; there are a lot of European countries that are not on that list, from what I remember, though.

Yeah, I agree that the accessories can be a very nice touch, but I usually just toss them back in the box, since I know I’m going to lose them. These days, I really don’t like bothering with a figure that’s difficult to disassemble, assemble, or cast-off; I think I prefer the more straightforward figures that you can take out and display right away.

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