Base +6, EichGent -6, AhKai +6, zxczxcasdasd +7, corruptedcode +7, Togeraxu -6, WolfbladeW +6, Metrevil -7, waltergeist +10, therightguy47 -6, hh4444 +5, toasty56 +6, weeblord69 +4, and 47 more...
Base +6, Themonta -8, Togeraxu -6, wtfidonteven -6, WolfbladeW +6, Metrevil -7, therightguy47 -6, hh4444 +5, toasty56 +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, Blisdon +6, MistaBiggles -6, hentiez -11, and 14 more...
Base +7, Blisdon +6, absolugom +7, Orengestar -7, roserainz +5, halomastah117 +6, Jin.H. -12, criminalking -6, ThanatosNebula76 -8, thecronosone +6, hh4444 -5, Juggernaut Santa -30, brotherdudejack -6, and 11 more...
Posted on 24 July 2021, 06:55 by:
Ataco Score
Base +6, Metrevil +7, nonShade +13, absolugom +7, Shouki +25, RaizelX +7, AuthlimOfXvim +6, SenatorAnonymous +7, Nesray -7, narutimaten +7, Shades of Blue +7, dalkia -6, Jin.H. -12, and 38 more...
Base +11, Metrevil +7, nonShade +13, absolugom +7, animekid9000 +6, tempc2 -6, SenatorAnonymous +7, Bubblejum +6, 1776XKCD +7, Nesray -7, dalkia -6, halomastah117 +6, Solomus +7, and 24 more...
Base +5, nonShade -13, animekid9000 -6, chris3274 +6, Shouki -25, Seppor +6, RaizelX -7, Orengestar +7, dutyyaknow -6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, absolugom -7, edson +14, Bubblejum -6, and 32 more...
Posted on 24 July 2021, 10:48 by:
fapacct Score
Base +6, absolugom +7, Vertiplano +6, RaizelX +7, Seppor -6, Orengestar -7, peace9001 -12, tempc2 -6, arnoldfarnold -1, Bubblejum +6, 1776XKCD +7, Nesray -7, dalkia -6, and 25 more...
Base +6, chris3274 -6, Shouki +25, RaizelX +7, Orengestar -7, peace9001 -12, tempc2 -6, absolugom -7, Bubblejum +6, Nesray -7, dalkia -6, WolfbladeW -6, Bane13 -30, and 8 more...
Posted on 24 July 2021, 17:45 by:
seba19 Score
Base +6, jonathanjon +7, absolugom +7, edson +14, Solomus +7, EdwardxD +6, hnboss +6, Jisatu +6, sleazeball +4, criminalking +6, Metrevil +7, thecronosone +6, EroHent +8, and 31 more...
Base +6, Jin.H. +12, Solomus -7, DarkDZ +7, absolugom +7, criminalking -6, Metrevil -7, ThanatosNebula76 +8, zirpcev +6, thecronosone -6, arnoldfarnold +1, KamingonYuu +6, Bubblejum -6, and 26 more...
Base +6, Solomus +7, absolugom +7, criminalking -6, Metrevil -7, ThanatosNebula76 -8, zirpcev -6, arnoldfarnold -1, KamingonYuu -6, Bubblejum +6, hh4444 -5, AnimeLov3rxXx -10, MelmothTheWanderer +34, and 23 more...
Posted on 26 July 2021, 22:47 by:
Tonexus Score
Base +6, Bubblejum +6, Juggernaut Santa -30, notfunnyguy -6, MelmothTheWanderer +34, ExpandDingaling +6, theo980926 -6, g0su +15, waltergeist +10, dongerdahedgehog -5, NevskyDrift +10, Nopex1234 +4
Base +26, brotherdudejack +6, notfunnyguy +6, MelmothTheWanderer -30, noiad -6, ScrawnyJohny +6, Thenarfking -7, anonymousMember -6, theo980926 +6, Giangiotto +7, cooldankkid +7, g0su -15, kenabrxg -19, and 6 more...
Posted on 21 September 2021, 01:08 by:
byran47 Score
Base +6, g0su +15, lastflower +19, dongerdahedgehog -5, NevskyDrift +10
Base +10, NevskyDrift +10, Waitugreat -23, RaizelX -7, Dooderz -8