Full story with the last chapter, missed in this gallery The original work was removed from the account of the artist on pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/28492835
I also posted bounty to translate this. P.S. I didn't add here some stories with this elf and her owner because they have their own separate plot. P.P.S. If I correctly understood the post of the author on his fanbox, the site administration forced him to censure images more and remove old less censor images. Maybe I'm mistaken.
I have the old, less-censored images for the first 80 or so pages. Do you need them? Send me a forum PM.
The difference is that the old ones had translucent censor bars instead of opaque ones. Makes quite a difference in some of the images. Some even have _fewer_ bars.
There are also a few pages that simply don't have black bars on them, and very, very slight mosaics that obscure basically nothing.
If you want a translation done, please consider contacting me and updating this gallery with the pics I send you. I'd rather see it done with cleaner sources.