Posted on 03 August 2021, 11:39 by:
Red 255 Score
Base +7, Heno -9, yaps -6, peace9001 -12, neo_skyline -18, Igniting Igneel -9, nukemissle -14, Slarka -6, vombatti -10, Alaephant -6, Glovelove. +7, Molokofido -9, sithiria -6, and 6 more...
Base +12, Gaiadrill +10, Igniting Igneel +9, Slarka +6, AhKai +6, ShadowJ +6, Ensei Sohryu +7, Giangiotto +7, zeroken_kurayami +6, Shemmy +6, Jamesbryans +9, bigscuba +7, Piter993 +9, and 39 more...
Last edited on 04 August 2021, 18:28.
Base +6, Slarka +6, AncientPhoenix +7, a35240 +9, QTTWF +7, RaizelX +7, sissam +6, Megaton +45, Cressent67 +8, GearZeroSky +19, ChaseRaph69 +5