Posted on 07 August 2021, 16:25 by:
bloopypoo Posted on 08 August 2021, 08:52 by:
DJjames Score
Base +7, imonlyhere4porn +6, Blackice124 +6, lord jay -6, Draw99Gray +18, Known Unknown -6, Hawkric -6, rising11 +9, xburner337 +6, as102 +11, Unhultha +7, 8thPlanet +6, ernie12 -15, and 54 more...
Posted on 08 August 2021, 09:00 by:
bloopypoo Score
Base +7, Yossarian762 +7, Draw99Gray -18, Bebek_War +7, Known Unknown +6, rising11 -9, DOIHI3 +6, mister wolf -6, bakasora +11, Beyond Imagination -6, Und3adgam3r -7, fass1 -6, archer123321 +20, and 25 more...
Posted on 08 August 2021, 10:07 by:
Cappy1992 Score
Base +6, rising11 +9, xburner337 +6, nanaya666 +6, bakasora -11, Beyond Imagination +6, fass1 +6, EvilSanta +6, archer123321 -20, pootis1234 -7, zeroken_kurayami -6, Brego1 -6, ayrts +9, and 20 more...
Base +6, abhyasa -7, Shardshatter -6, bakasora +11, Werefoofle -6, Vivi1993 -17, blararag -6, Kyon snow -6, Beyond Imagination -6, BokuNoGf -6, robot_mffin -8, frozenoctorok -5, archer123321 -20, and 5 more...
Base +6, Werefoofle +6, Vivi1993 +17, Kyon snow +6, abhyasa +7, Beyond Imagination +6, Kitawa +7, frozenoctorok +5, pootis1234 +7, GeniusDuck +6, sinfullkill +6, deadarm -6, ayrts -9, and 12 more...
Posted on 08 August 2021, 13:38 by:
bloopypoo Score
Base +7, Kyon snow +6, blararag +6, Beyond Imagination -6, bgardener +7, pootis1234 +7, GeniusDuck +6, Brego1 +6, Gallery_Unavailable +6, kaerFlanA +6, ntxhaa +6, Loli Crusader +5, Lethronyx +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, abhyasa +7, archer123321 +20, GeniusDuck +6, sinfullkill +6, RCJ1418 +9, Brego1 +6, ABDC +6, Pharaoh_KM +6, Demoni +7, Stallordblitz +6, IM_Mortal -7, pureyang -23, and 4 more...
Posted on 08 August 2021, 15:38 by:
hungryDog Score
Base +8, archer123321 +20, Brego1 +6, kaerFlanA +6, Demoni +7
Posted on 09 August 2021, 12:34 by:
bloopypoo Score
Base +7, Pharaoh_KM +6, pureyang -23, Higers -6, brotherdudejack -6
Posted on 10 August 2021, 23:27 by:
e-diver Score
Base +10, pureyang -23, Und3adgam3r -7, Higers -6, Balletrixx +6, IM_Mortal -7, BigOOFF -6, brotherdudejack -6, denisimo2253 +6, Druem +7
Posted on 18 August 2021, 16:22 by:
Mistermd Score
Base +6, pureyang -23, Und3adgam3r -7, Higers -6, L0wk3y -9, Balletrixx +6, IM_Mortal +7, BigOOFF -6, brotherdudejack +6, denisimo2253 +6
Posted on 10 December 2021, 19:34 by:
Veda Score
Base +6, Balletrixx +6