THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE TRANSLATION. This is the best, I have waited so long for one of these doujinshi to be in English, and here we are, you did an outstanding job, and I commend you for all your hard work. I'm looking forward to anything you translate in the future!
Well, I honestly didn't see this coming... This translation is most certainly a very pleasant surprise and it adds more pieces to the puzzle of the overall Matai-Toshi setting.
Thank you very much for this translation, and I genuinely hope that you'll pick up more of Rindou's work if you have the interest in it. Or if you're paid for it, I guess. I have no idea what prompted this after all.
Regardless of the reasons, this is greatly appreciated.
Base +18, airhead +12, CommanderTato +7, SlowlyDissipating +6, poomuncher1488 +4
He did it for free, he told me that he is planning to translate more of Rindou's work in the future, Matai Toshi Roku is next, however it will take a bit longer.
I'm so glad for this, and like you said, lexist, this definitely gives us more insight into the world that Rindou's characters live in, an absolute hellscape. It makes me a bit sad that these beautiful girls risk their lives to purge these evil demons from the world, only to be captured and sexually tortured. Learning about this girl, Shimotuki Himemaru, is great, finally we get to know who she is and her place in Matai Toshi's story.
I'd honestly say that knowing that more of Rindou's doujinshis are going to be translated is giving me more of a reason to live. I'm definitely going to be reading this over and over for the next few weeks. See you all in the next release.