Posted on 15 August 2021, 23:23 by:
AZX555 Score
Base +5, BetaCodeX -9, LordZetta -14, Adamantcheese -6, MarvN -16, dankestdungeon -20, neo_skyline -18, Bogh -6, CJustice -10, NordicLlama -6, Pydero -4
Base +1, RepStormy +9, constantly -14, Shino22 -2, Maccaz -7, Raift -9, Spooky Ghost Butts -7, Evil of Humanity -1, derpsenal -6, Remeark -6, neokai94 -6, Adamantcheese -6, shuntensatsu +15, and 8 more...
Posted on 16 August 2021, 00:42 by:
asurast Score
Base +8, SkullDraecos +5, zangetsu96 +7, dankestdungeon -20, MarvN -16, Farmuhan -6, CJustice -10, atomicpuppy +51
Posted on 16 August 2021, 02:15 by:
Pokom Score
Base +42, SkullDraecos +5, Evil of Humanity +1, Adamantcheese +6, dankestdungeon -20, MarvN -16, CJustice -10, atomicpuppy -30
Base +17, LordZetta +14, blararag +6, pocolocopoco +7, MarvN +16, aimu23 +6, cutegyaru +12, dankestdungeon +20, neo_skyline +18, BetaCodeX +9, heh...narto +6, dayfox99 +6, YosukeKobe +6, and 23 more...
Posted on 16 August 2021, 09:46 by:
AZX555 Score
Base +5, dankestdungeon -20, apagi -6, neo_skyline -18, Marz -6, YosukeKobe -6, CJustice -10, Alaephant -6, nonevah +6, NordicLlama -6, bananafairy -7, Kwespell123 -5, atomicpuppy +51, and 2 more...
Base +17, dankestdungeon +20, neo_skyline +18, BetaCodeX +9, cutegyaru +12, Quartz Saint +6, MarvN +16, CJustice +10, NordicLlama +6, IncognitoMaud +6, bananafairy +7, sikais15 +6, kikones34 +6, and 3 more...
Posted on 16 August 2021, 13:10 by:
IronDong Score
Base +6, neo_skyline -18, cutegyaru -12, dankestdungeon -20, Quartz Saint -6, MarvN -16, Bogh -6, CJustice -10, Couerl -14, Alaephant -6, DarkMel -11
Posted on 16 August 2021, 13:56 by:
dangrello Score
Base +8, neo_skyline +18, cutegyaru +12, CJustice +10, xburner337 +6, bananafairy +7, PinguPrin +7, tsuyoi_baka35 +6
Posted on 16 August 2021, 14:04 by:
Daruna Score
Base +8, neo_skyline +18, cutegyaru +12, Quartz Saint +6, MarvN +16, dalkia -6, CJustice +10, xburner337 +6, IncognitoMaud +6, bananafairy +7, Vivi1993 -18
Base +17, dankestdungeon +20, cutegyaru +12, tsuza +8, Quartz Saint +6, MarvN +16, CJustice +10, xburner337 +6, Alaephant +6, neo_skyline +18, pkplat +12, Megaton +45, IncognitoMaud +6, and 10 more...