Posted on 18 August 2021, 14:09 by:
如歌的行板 Base +4, OmegaVector +6, cuoguo98 +4, asdfg10235 +6, Arctan0 +6, YYMAD +7, 程为民 +6, 眼神里流露出 +6, 91羯sir +4, dobing +6, D1D1z +12, 13sakuya +6, cloudfrom +4, and 7 more...
Base +64, YYMAD +7, mcdkz42 +11, Captain-Hsieh +5
Posted on 18 August 2021, 16:09 by:
暗夜中光 Score
Base +6, wsadett +5, dyfdtyfxfgh -6, EraserYi -5, chaoslolicon +8, maverick9 -6, ehshareac1 +6, Hatlessman -5, 黑域det +6, max860115 -6, 不知道取什么 -4, TinterestingAuh -3, yjfxhy812 -14, and 20 more...
Posted on 18 August 2021, 18:02 by:
暁美ほむら Score
Base +6, chaoslolicon +8, YYMAD +7, reatinel +5, pointCHY +6, Captain-Hsieh +5, 056k +6, JAR_T01_lacar +6, lkoofu +9, shiliguang +6, 8758395 +6, _Manners +4
Posted on 18 August 2021, 23:13 by:
4g86w Score
Base +6, chaoslolicon -8, maverick9 +6, max860115 +6, 不知道取什么 +4, mcdkz42 +11, pointCHY +6, YYMAD +7, reatinel +5, 8758395 +6, _Manners +4, voezkami +5
Base +6, liblfiku +7, Purplegay +5, YYMAD +7, reatinel +5, pointCHY +6, 056k +6, shiliguang +6, anyswize +2, 8758395 +6
Base +5, yizhidanerhu +4, anyswize +2, 8758395 +6, voezkami +5
Base +2, tokidohibiki +6, 056k +6, shiliguang +6, anyswize +2, 8758395 +6, 捕鲸船长 +5
Base +5, 056k +6, shiliguang +6, anyswize +2, 8758395 +6