001 OG: ○○大学 TL: "College" ED: it's an unnamed college fwiw
OG: くじで同じ番号を引いたペアでコース周ってくださーい TL: "Look for the person who got your same lottery number" ED: she's saying pairs who get the same number when drawing lots are to traverse the course together
OG: 天体サークル肝試し受付 TL: "Celestial circle test of courage reception" ED: astronomy club test of courage reception desk
OG: …げッ TL: "Eh..." ED: geh (disgust)
OG: 本人の前で口に出して言うかよ普通… TL: "You are saying it naturally to that person in front of you" ED: he's saying normally one wouldn't say that out loud to the person in question
002 OG: どうせどさくさ紛れで触ろうって魂胆でしょ TL: "Anyway, it's such a pain to walk through this spooky place" ED: she's accusing him of scheming and trying to cop a feel in the chaos of the test of courage
OG: こんな無駄なこと速攻終わらせて戻るわよ TL: "I want to finish this silly thing quick and go home" ED: go back, not go home
OG: ほんとムカつくなこの女… TL: "Don't be mad at me, you bitch..." ED: he's the one getting mad at her lol without understanding Japanese you can even see it on his face in the art
OG: …ちょっとくらい怖がらせても罰当たんないよな TL: "Even if you scare me a little, I will still punish you" ED: he's wondering if he'll get punished (karmically) for scaring her a little
003 OG: なんでもこの敷地にある木で首吊り自殺した男の霊が彷徨ってるとか… TL: "The spirit of a man who hung himself wanders through this place" ED: missing detail, the man hung himself from a tree on those grounds
OG: これだから陰キャオタクは嫌なのよね… TL: "This is why I don't like virgin otakus..." ED: miserable, not virgin
OG: 少しくらいビビれよ可愛げねーな TL: "She is cute when she is scared" ED: he's telling her to at least be a little scared, and that she's not cute at all