Base +7, MeloTheYellow +6, Serendipitous Squirt -7, Gilgamesh028 +11, White Joker -25, sammysolo +11, itpendal777 -6, KromeDome420 -8, Rikis -29, yslam -6, thisthis -6, yearhyearh -7, Jin.H. -12, and 4 more...
Base +6, TheLonliestMonk +6, Serendipitous Squirt +7, White Joker -25, itpendal777 +6, KromeDome420 +8, thisthis +6, kueson -6, yearhyearh +7, Jin.H. +12, jlarsoone -6, JaxkMonk3y -6, Iucif3r +6, and 3 more...
Base +7, MeloTheYellow +6, Serendipitous Squirt -7, itpendal777 -6, KromeDome420 -8, thisthis -6, myoxy +10, deadarm +6, kueson +6, yearhyearh -7, Jin.H. -12, NamelessFace -11, odokom +7, and 2 more...
Posted on 21 August 2021, 00:45 by:
Shroom! Score
Base +6, MeloTheYellow +6, Serendipitous Squirt +7, White Joker +25, itpendal777 +6, KromeDome420 +8, Airresistible +6, yslam +6, thisthis -6, deadarm +6, kueson +6, yearhyearh +7, Januery +8, and 5 more...
Posted on 21 August 2021, 08:37 by:
mEdgeguy Score
Last edited on 21 August 2021, 08:53.
Base +5, yslam -6, Mad-Kruger +6, thisthis -6, majob +6, myoxy -10, kueson -6, yearhyearh -7, LimeTine -6, Jin.H. -12, gonfrankyfreaks -11, Hecatoncheyr +6, Neberwrong +6, and 6 more...
Posted on 21 August 2021, 13:08 by:
Elianier Score
Base +6, kueson +6, cacatel +6, Jin.H. +12, Hecatoncheyr +6, Bacon91 -6, DB163 +6, Asder40 +6
Posted on 22 August 2021, 08:16 by:
kasseen Score
Base +6, Hecatoncheyr -6, koroko +6, arya92 -6, Jin.H. -12, jlarsoone -6, Lawliet-90 +6, Bane13 -30, htns +17, Gorm -7, Shaggermeister -6, absolugom -7, Fallen Lord -6, and 1 more...
Base +6, jlarsoone +6, absolugom +7
Posted on 23 August 2021, 04:06 by:
Edarin Score
Base +6, Jin.H. +12, jlarsoone +6
Base +6, Bacon91 -6, Jin.H. +12, jlarsoone +6, Bane13 +54, absolugom +7, DB163 +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11
Posted on 10 September 2021, 20:46 by:
jayeno Score
Base +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11
Posted on 20 September 2021, 20:47 by:
Vera Hapi Score
Base +5, Bane13 -30, AnimeLov3rxXx +11, Gorm -7
Base +6, AnimeLov3rxXx +11