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GeeU Presents - Issue 05 WIP

GeeU  PM
Posted:2021-08-23 04:03
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:25.58 MiB
Length:34 pages
Favorited:1716 times
Average: 4.59
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

GeeU Presents - Issue 05 WIP, added 2021-08-27 20:47
GeeU Presents - Issue 05 WIP, added 2021-09-03 16:03
GeeU Presents - Issue 05 WIP, added 2021-09-13 00:51
GeeU Presents - Issue 05 WIP, added 2021-09-17 16:30
GeeU Presents - Issue 05 WIP, added 2021-09-20 15:54
GeeU Presents - Issue 05 WIP, added 2021-10-19 15:46

Showing 1 - 34 of 34 images

Posted on 13 December 2020, 12:32 by:   mcom1981    PM
Score +80
Hurrah!!! Welcome back, Geeu!!

You have been missed ❀ I am very much looking forward to this.

Thank you for sharing, you are amazing and wonderful and we love you dearly 🀗

Good to see you 😊👍

Your artwork skills have improved drastically since issue 1. Too bad youre on the coast 🥰

OMG OMG OMG a new one 👏👏👏👏👏🀭😘👍
Last edited on 09 January 2021, 06:23.
Posted on 13 December 2020, 20:02 by:   GeeU    PM
Score +101
mcom1981!! Its good to see you again too!! :D
Thank you for your loving words! Im really excited to get started on this next chapter, and hearing that you are too gives me super motivation! :D
I love you back, and stay tuned for more pages! They'll be coming soon!
Posted on 23 December 2020, 14:06 by:   claralover    PM
Score +28
Oh boy, something to look forward to!
Posted on 10 January 2021, 03:08 by:   Miinus    PM
Score +28
I don't want to sound like a nitpicky asshole complaining about a great comic, but yuki's pronouns are a bit weird. Sometimes they are referred to with he/him and sometimes she/her. Might be a good idea to pick either and stick with it. Unless it reflects how yuki feels of themself at the moment. Great stuff anyway.
Posted on 11 January 2021, 03:27 by:   Dodger Herb    PM
Score +22
GeeU is quickly becoming my new favorite, great work!
Posted on 16 February 2021, 11:49 by:   mcom1981    PM
Score +19
YES!! I LOVE IT... she is so adorably insecure... after seeing her gang fucked in the last issue.... i can barely contain myself ... i almost handsfree dribble out of control when a new page comes out...

We love you, Geeu. I love your work, keep it up, you are mind blowingly amazing 🥰


OK, perhaps its because Im like... gooshily rubbing my entire eye over the entire page franticly at once... but standing in the way of I don't think there is any difficulty following the story or the panels. It isn't like they are out of order or anything; imagine recognizing someone's handwriting. I can get on board with maybe some of the dimensional criticisms, and hands and feet are ALWAYS picked on, but seriously Geeu, this story is you. We are Arthur, we are getting to know your style, your flow, your .....ism.... just grow and blossom .... gawd you are amazing and watching you develop a style of your own, its impressive.

Take the advice you like, but remember, theres more people who love the fruit of your labor and say nothing; we just like to talk. And we're like.........suuuuper pervs on the inside, no matter what we say outwardly.

Keep it up, Snowflake 🥰 We love you, and you are amazing and special, come have a glass of wine with us on the couch... 😈
Last edited on 20 March 2021, 11:56.
Posted on 11 March 2021, 09:08 by:   samaran123    PM
Score +20
am i stupid or is the panel flow in this guys comics just really bad
Posted on 12 March 2021, 21:38 by:   GeeU    PM
Score +35
Nope! You're not stupid :P
I addressed this in a comment in the last issue when someone made a similar comment.
You are right, I'm currently trying to master that part of comic illustration, but haven't yet. A big part of it (that I've learned) is that the square format of the page makes it difficult! Who knew! But a long (standard comic page) is much easier to navigate because there are rules we all follow. We read them from top left to bottom right, and everyone knows that. But when it's square, its not really that clear that you have to jump back to the left of the page to start reading the next row of images. Sometimes it looks more correct to jump to the image below, instead of your standard reading etiquette of left to right, next line down, left to right. I didn't realize it would add this additional confusion, and I've been trying to use the chat bubbles to guide the ready through the panels... But it doesn't always work.
SO! I am workin on it! :P But haven't yet come up with a solution, and might just go back to the standard page size for the next issue onward.
Posted on 14 March 2021, 22:41 by:   Death by Manga    PM
Score +18
I suggest first employing gutters between your panels, and then experiment with the thickness of the gutters to indicate reading order. Thinner gutters draw the eye over them first, because there's a shorter distance to move. which often means verticle gutters are often thinner than horizontal gutters, because we read comics horizontally.
Posted on 15 March 2021, 19:52 by:   GeeU    PM
Score +19
Holy shit Death by Manga! That's great advice! I'll give that a try :D

Death By Manga! I tried what you said in the last page (page 11). What do you think? Is that what you were talking about, and was it effective?
Last edited on 20 March 2021, 01:36.
Posted on 21 March 2021, 03:59 by:   nubly69    PM
Score +12
Can confirm. Advice by @Death by Manga made it easier to read.
Posted on 21 March 2021, 06:22 by:   vixenelli    PM
Score +6
I have to say, what you did with pg. 11 made it so much easier to read
Posted on 30 March 2021, 21:04 by:   GeeU    PM
Score +19
Ok great! Thanks for confirming, those who posted. I'll start drawing them like that from now on.
Also, mcom1981, thank you for your support and words! I love you for them. You've always got my back! :D
Posted on 30 March 2021, 23:49 by:   claralover    PM
Score +12
keep it up, it's great so far
Posted on 02 April 2021, 23:31 by:   CawCaw7    PM
Score +12
Yeah, last two pages were really easy to follow.
Posted on 11 April 2021, 13:20 by:   DarkShadow6    PM
Score +44
gotta agree I can see the improvements. the quality here feels a lot more consistant, the lighting is a lot smoother, and you have avoided adding too much heavy detail where it's unwarranted (like before in male faces). keep it up bro.

the contrast between generic anime protag hair in the first release and now is proof enough.

only major criticism I have now is the obvious Google Sketchup/Blender models :)
I recommend rendering at a high resolution and then sizing them down so the aliasing isn't so painfully obvious, it will make them look a lot better and takes very little extra effort. I'd recommend lighting on the models too but it wouldn't really fit with your style; you could try inking and coloring over the models instead, that would likely look the best.

regardless of if the pronouns are intentional on the artist's part, that is high up on my List of Hotness(tm) for degredation and exerting control. the whole point here as far as I can tell is the sissification, and reinforcing not just through visuals but through dialog (both internal narration and from other characters) that "this is a failed male" is great. for that reason, I really appreciate it.
and at the end of the day, good girls get headpats and called real girls, bad boys get degraded and told they need to work harder in order to become good girls. a chad move, if you will.
(on the off chance you are white-knighting, imaginary characters are not alive and a consideration of their feelings outside of the medium is bonkers. if you are not, safely ignore this assertation.)
Posted on 11 April 2021, 23:06 by:   Lawliet-90    PM
Score +12
I'd put a coin on the Master's appartment being filled with cameras and mics, and the footage of Yuki being "leaked" to his entire school, making it a permanent sissy that has to drop out from school, and end up in the "Collection" shown in the cover.
Let's see if I'm close to the truth in the next 5 pages or so.
Posted on 12 April 2021, 11:46 by:   mcom1981    PM
Score +23
Hmmmm speculatuon... it seems to me, that would be a "short game" move for Arthur to misuse the obviously collected footage, but he has had months of Madam making photo shoots, tge grooming, et al invested into her now... I doubt a move like that would bring her closer at this point and remember the difference between obedience through fear vs. ovedience through love.. she loves him, but she also lusts for him as the much needed mister master daddy Arthur... so full on support for the sissification and domination by default; it appears the process is nearly complete...

From both sides, my speculation is that Arthurs actions are kind and loving, and genuine as NOW (remembering then the apprehension about "being caught in the Dean's Office," or cleaning up the bathroom so guests won't notice) there isn't any chance of being interrupted or otherwise, if Arthur DID have cameras it is certain the entirety would be recorded for posterity however I have doubts that MORE blackmail material is going to have much impact on the psyche of our sweetest Yuki, or not as much as an entire swim team does. If they're cool enough about it, she doesn't seem to identify as male for the majority of the time now and Arthur doesnt strike me as the stroke it by monitor light type. Playing both sides I've had guys flake for those reasons, fear, confidence, shame usually shame, and all for what?! I was with you up to more blackmail material....

Who knows, I mean, I want to know, but what I am afraid of is the insipient heartbreak over finding out about the harem... I expect that the swim team knows about the harem, and that this was all a Hazing to get groomed and put into the Harem... because of something retconned that someone overheard, saw (come on, Sam knew... he knew... what was it?? 🥰) soooo....*IF* the swim boys KNEW that Arthur had a present for them, AND this wouldn't have been the first time this happened, as they casually drink in the nude being fluffed by Madam for the main event...

Madam, Arthur, and the swim team, all have connections pre-Yuki... Yuki is being groomed for an introduction into the harem... sure that seems straight forward and all too obvious, but I want to see what else Arthurs money gets him. I want to see the underground millionaires sex dungeon club... I want some deeeeeeeeeeper diving 😁 Its fair to say that this story, preamble and backstory and episodic one offs for fill and progression checks on her as a slut princess, is teetering on the edge of a cliff ready to take a plunge into a whole new world... She is being groomed, because she was selected. This interlude is to cement him into her heart finally for all time... she would have done ANYTHING for him ANYWAYS! 😆

My prediction? Millionaires sex club dungeon. Leash, obedience, unquestioning love for Arthur, newest addition means a new trophy to show off to the Execs, she is starty eyed only for him but all the eyes in the room are lustily groping her ... long game. The harem is nice, but the cover page is a destination not the journey of the issue. Soooo... harem is good, they're on the in, but Yuki isn't initiated through the committment of true, genuine love for Arthur. 'member, she had been fucked silly by strangers, I am certain she is given herself in, too far gone for the need for any more blackmail, but who knows but Geeu? So far its been one amazing scene after another so if we see again how much she loves having her little hole pounded I'm in.

What can I say, I am a sucker for romance ... and hardcore penetration. Yup, love and sodo... NOPE sodomy and love!

Goooooooooooood Job Geeu, I love you! Top tier. Smashing it, you're my current #1 😍 I check here daily and as for genuine new content that isn't just "more of the same" my heart always skips a beat when I see a page update. I can feel how personal this story is for you, and what it is you are exposing for us so... Keep it up love, remember, some of us are genuinely in this for your long game 😘
Posted on 14 April 2021, 19:07 by:   GeeU    PM
Score +70
Mcom1981 <3 Your commentary is almost poetry lol!
I love this line the most (made me laugh out loud for real!): "What can I say, I am a sucker for romance ... and hardcore penetration. Yup, love and sodo... NOPE sodomy and love!" NOPE Sodomy first, ya! sodomy first, THEN love haha!
And you are right about the no need for more blackmail. Yuki belongs to Arthur now. This whole seen is meant simply to give Yuki the choice. Choose to my girl, or choose to be my slave... and Yuki, isn't very interested in being a person... she gets turned on a lot by being used... Its just a matter of being comfortable enough to be commanded... and Arthur has said/done all the right things for Yuki to willingly give up her freedom. Plus, the things they've done so far (if you've read Yuki's Training Days on my Patreon page - which is a 99 page secondary comic) you'll realize, there really is no more limits to push past. Arthur only has to command, and Yuki obeys! So the need for blackmail is a thing of the past.
That being said, Lawliet-90, you arent wrong about the cameras! The guys a fuckin pervert! haha! But those cameras are there mostly for his personal files and enjoyment, and he also gives them away to his other elite friends.

And finally, Mcom1981, your prediction of a sex dungeon... not far off. But its more like a sex house out in the countryside. You'll see soon enough :D

OH! and Darkshadow6 (good to hear from you again! :D), you said google sketchup/blender models... what do you mean by that? are you referring to my environment drawings (ex. the apartment interior)? or are you referring to my blending/shadowing technique? I don't know exactly what you mean, but am very curious to find out. PS. love that feedback! keep it coming :D

And Miinus you are right, it is confusing. But I chose to go back and forth on the pronouns to show that confusion as my little way to shed light on the subject matter. Our western societies still tell us we have to pick one or the other, and for a person who is coming to terms with the fact that they might be both, it makes it super confusing to define yourself when your entire world tells you you have to pick one. I want to show the struggle of a person trying to reconcile that duality. Why must Yuki pick one or the other? At school he's ok with being a he. With the swim team/madam/Dean she is happy being a she. Does she need to pick one or the other? That's the question I want people to ask, and the answer I want them to find is: it doesnt matter! If you see Yuki as a boy, then call him 'he', if you see her as a girl, call her 'she'. Both are right and both are ok. My personal philosophy behind it is I call this quantum thinking. It is not binary thinking. It doesnt have to be just a 1 or a 0... not just a yes or a no... not just right or wrong, and not just boy or girl... I call it quantum thinking because I see it as being both states at the same time. Being a yes AND a no at the same time... being a 1 AND a 0 at the same time... being a boy AND a girl at the same time. Its, just a little harder to wrap the head around though... so yes! Its confusing! But in no way has it been a mistake that I keep bouncing back and forth. I want people to realize that both pronouns are acceptable and that Yuki isn't offended being called either. That being said, some of the other girls in the collection (which you are about to meet) arent so non-binary about it. Which will further the exploration into different forms of gender identities that my audience can ask even more questions about it. In conclusion though... this is still a sex comic... so dont worry too much about the whole gender thing... it really is mostly about the good fucking! :P
Posted on 19 April 2021, 07:38 by:   mcom1981    PM
Score +23
totally called it 😎

Thankd for being you, Geeu. I can barely contain myself 🥰 I think maybe we're on similar wavelengths, its so nice to see my own fantasy stuck to in such a genuine way 🀗 please continue leading me down this familiar path, I love the scenery you breathe new life into.

Thank younfor your kind words...

All my poetry for you, my love ❀👰‍♀❀ all for you 😍 ... it's always been you.
Posted on 12 May 2021, 03:32 by:   claralover    PM
Score +13
yuki's taking like a champ, damn
Posted on 12 May 2021, 05:50 by:   mcom1981    PM
Score +13
totally just handsfreed in my panties and couldnt stop it in time. bra-fucking-vo, i love you 😍
Posted on 20 May 2021, 05:51 by:   Dr.GordonFREEMAN    PM
Score +28
wholesome af
Posted on 20 May 2021, 10:28 by:   mcom1981    PM
Score +29
So very well done!! 👏😆 Geeu, I am so torn. Im absolutely falling in love, I wish Arthur was real ❀🥰❀

We are all still here, I am just sitting in the corner weeping quietly at the work you are sharing. I see the critics have been strangely silent 🀭

You must be catering to all of their needs, you are such an accomodating artist 🀪 rest assured the rest of us are cheerfully appreciating your efforts and... well.. like I said first its always been you (Pepper 😆), but now .... well I wouldnt call him Arthur either 🀭

Solid gold, G ❀ absolutely solid... thick... throbbing... vascular... gold 🥰

Thank you
Posted on 25 May 2021, 07:54 by:   XIMetronome    PM
Score +12
As someone who just discovered your works a couple hours ago, I've gotta say great job and thanks for the fap. I really look forward to where you end up taking your fame and fortunes :)
Posted on 04 June 2021, 07:44 by:   claralover    PM
Score +17
This is where the fun begins
Posted on 05 June 2021, 08:51 by:   Bior    PM
Score +12
Your art is among my favorite, GeeU, though I wanna ask if you're planning on doing any new fresh stories anytime instead of just continuing Yuki'a?

I ask because my favorite parts of these kind of stories are usually early on when they're still hesitant/reluctant/scared/etc but Yuki's been a good slut for a while now. Anyway you do you. I still obviously am here.
Posted on 08 June 2021, 23:27 by:   GeeU    PM
Score +42
@ Bior,
Ya, Im going to be adding 3 new stories right after this about the other slaves. They will be background stories, so how they became slutty slaves in the first place. Each one will be a full comic with an Image Series comic to accompany it. The Image Series comic will only be available on, but the full comic I will post here as preview galleries. The full comic will be the story of how they discovered their slutty femboy side, while the Image series comic will be the exploration of them becoming whorish slaves! :D All of these comics are going to be exactly what you want. Shy, hesitant boys realizing and accepting that they're just slutty cum-dumps made for breeding/service.

Also, thank you everyone for you compliments! New page coming soon :D
Posted on 17 June 2021, 02:47 by:   claralover    PM
Score +20
4 slutty maids, now that's a sight to behold
Posted on 11 September 2021, 11:14 by:   mcom1981    PM
Score +8
Well done.
Posted on 26 September 2021, 15:03 by:   DarkShadow6    PM
Score +6
about the Sketchup thing, on pg 9 it looks like you used models for the exterior shot, either that or you're doing really well with perspective. and then you scaled the image down to fit the canvas, which resulted in the lines being too thin for the scale, so there's clear aliasing. I downloaded the max res you posted but maybe it's not as noticeable if you normally work at larger sizes. I don't know if it actually is Sketchup or not but the stark lines between faces is what leads me to that assumption:
Posted on 21 October 2021, 15:18 by:   dogecoin    PM
Score +13
imagine the smell
Posted on 25 June 2022, 11:18 by:   DigitalSoul    PM
Score +2
I've been following the comic for a while and just finally read this issue. And do want to say I loved this chapter, I love this genre and the strong master/slave or dom/sub interplay, but so many look/act abusive it can be a bit of an emotional turnoff and turmoil personally. I love the interplay of Yuki and Arthur in the beginning and to see the diverse cast of the collection, and the character of Sora in particular delight me so much. The negotiations, the positive interactions and view on it, and kind of an emphasis that they have a life beyond this that is taken into account. On top of that the interaction and art is hot as always. I enjoyed the first issue, and love this one even more, I look forward to all the further work that you do.

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