Posted on 27 August 2021, 07:04 by:
Nightseph Score
Base +6, Crimer +6, Shk3r3b1tch11 +4, SerahKyu -1
Base +4, 漫影鬼魅 +6, e102031516 +7, 心凛感应 -4, deepdar -6, cp_rui -3, Welcest -6, TNTABC123 -5, siseshi -5, RKAP -6, 中国绅士 -6, 利刃繁华 -6, jlkkbxx -6, and 17 more...
Base +16, viewery +6, cp_rui +3, sstgil +9, ton618 +5, siseshi +5, RKAP +6, YCZ714 +4, jeteo1234 +6, buringark +6, ACG +6, OBsidian-Mk2 +6, ugggbg +2, and 24 more...
Base +4, 6827486 +6, cp_rui +3, WD2333 +6, acapilla +5, funtaxi +6, RKAP +6, sakurafuko +6, hchlqljyswk +5, Indifference1 +4, ATLASTRAL +6, 懒趴趴 +6, sxsosasd +2, and 6 more...
Base +6, cp_rui +3, sxsosasd +2, myjzq +6, zwqlsp +4