Oh wow! I've been hoping for this Taimanin Yukikaze doujin to be translated for a some time now. I really like Garyuh-Chitai's work, from the art to the plot and the handling of the characters. Some really nice hardcore stuff done with some emotion even put in.
Really big thanks for the upload.
Base +22, the missing link +9, Phantombet3 +6, Unlimitis +2, Gitami +13
The tentacle monster that Shiranui married is dead and dying as the flashback memories show that a taimanin attack during the wedding mortally wounded the creature. By the end of the doujinshi, Shiranui has given birth to its 'children' and those creatures have subsequently been raping and attacking the populace at large. Many are being killed but it is implied if not outright stated that they will be replaced, either through Shiranui and the other corrupted taimanin like her daughter or from other women.