Posted on 27 January 2010, 05:24 by:
CGrascal Base +4, oneforce -2, taw2 +2, Tootles123 -2, MightyHonks -5, AglowGolem -19, Mr. Vampire +1, sefra -7, Goldsaw -4, Secundus -6, Takumo -10, SsSanaki +5, Xcelcio -6, and 10 more...
Posted on 17 December 2010, 16:02 by:
uankaink Score
Base +1, oneforce -6, Shadow_771 +9, vgjunky -9, Oriana_Thomson -5, enyoeos -9, chymesRB -8, no? -8, OceanOfStars3 -7, drewnh88 -6, Sylvanas Windrunner -6, AkaiKurai +6, smarty358 -6, and 2 more...
Base +3, airhead +14, thebulbaderp +2, rayvune +6, Foscom -6
Base +6, thebulbaderp +2, rayvune +6, starobserver +6, damnspams +6, George642 +9, balmung60 +7, Hakrei +26
Posted on 11 July 2014, 16:46 by:
grobbler Score
Base +6, thebulbaderp +2, Sylvanas Windrunner +6, weigazod +10
Posted on 27 August 2015, 23:33 by:
Heets Score
Base +4, tensaikid +7, damnspams +6, George642 +9, Hakrei +26, hydqrone +7, untraceablelarry +6