A simple yet appealing vore sequence that involves a worm monster with a head on either side of it's body. The obvious bulge in the creatures belly lacks any real definition or form, which is a disappointment for a long creature of that size. Having a more curvy, feminine bulge in it's belly would have scored it more points. At the end, the victims body travels up from the stomach and back into the creatures mouth, leaving the fate of the consumed damsel in question. Is the monster going to digest her, or did it eat her for kicks and is about to regurgitate her? Is she still alive or did she already suffocate? The lack of detail into what is going on makes it hard to label which vore archetype the artist was drawing for. Is this damsel in distress style monster vore is the monster just a pervert? It lacks complexity but it is enticing in it's simplicity, as it leaves the viewer to decide for themselves what is the eventual fate of this devoured damsel.
monster vore 4/5, damsel in distress 3/5, fatal 2/5, digestion 1/5