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[Takeda Hiromitsu] beast soul rangers T×J02a forrward


Artist CG
Posted:2021-09-09 12:15
Language:English  TR
File Size:839.5 MiB
Length:49 pages
Favorited:1154 times
Average: 4.11

Showing 1 - 40 of 49 images

Posted on 09 September 2021, 12:15 by:   lobotomista    PM
Uploader Comment
BEFORE YOU COUNT THIS ONE OUT! I know that my previos gallery was very poorly done, but here's the thing: At the time, I didn't know any japanese, I just entered text into google and tried to make sense of it wich was very hard because i started with the pages that looked more fapworthy to me, wich meant that the context was all kinds of wrong.
Add to that that I was hoping for clean raws so i never edited a thing and I didn't even took the time to proofread it.

That said. Since then I've started learning japanese so the translation should be much better and this time I actually took the time to clean the raws and did proofread before posting.
But Since this is still a project that I took in order to lern japanese, please let me know if something is terribly translated.
Posted on 09 September 2021, 13:02 by:   BamBlackStar    PM
Score -100
Try using 'deepl' for reference, i use it to translate the rpg games that i play and holy smokes does it do the job, the results doesnt feel machine translated, the only problem is that its very limited in character use for free users, so use it wisely, definely a far better choice than google or bing
Posted on 09 September 2021, 16:42 by:   kurehayagami    PM
Score +193
>Since then I've started learning japanese so the translation should be much better

It hasn't even been three whole days. Let's see how *much* you've improved....

*examining page 1 to 49*

Yeah, nah, try giving it three weeks this time, for now, another rewrite-incomplete-poor grammar tags combo for you~

P.S. : Side note, as BamBlackStar said, deepL is much better than google translate. Still an MTL, but at this point it's certainly the more favorable option.

P.P.S. : from what I gather, looks like blazingbanana's still working on this CG sets, and his quality is, from what we've seen so far, far more superior, so you might want to try picking up another series to work on.
Posted on 09 September 2021, 17:00 by:   Otiropas77    PM
Score -100
I appreciate your efforts, but like the others I will recommend DeepL.
Posted on 09 September 2021, 17:26 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +371
You don't know what you're talking about. DeepL is only marginally better than Google Translate. It still absolutely fucking sucks at deciphering context or anything remotely complex in Japanese. The only thing it does better is make you think it's doing a good job by making sentences that are grammatically correct in English (most of the time). it will, without hesitation, remove entire sentences from its "translations" if it struggles to parse the original text, and will ignore every ounce of symbolism, context, pun, prose or character voice because it's a machine doing a machine's job.

Finally, don't fucking encourage these clowns to post MTLs. What the hell is wrong with you?

Great, so now you uploaded ANOTHER GALLERY instead of updating the old one. Now we have 3 different galleries, 2 of which are incomplete MTLs that you shit out. Plus, pages 1-17 are literal DUPLICATES, with no changes to the text minus removing the white text boxes to 4 pages, to what you already posted here /g/2003365/a58b52a296/ pp.62-79. Awesome job. And you're still using Manga Temple as your font. Just fantastic.

Didn't we already talk about not posting until you VASTLY improve your Japanese? Do I really need to tag this as a rewrite again and post a wall of text explaining why? I know you haven't improved since you posted a MTL a mere 3 days ago, in which you clearly admit yourself in the comments that you did, in fact, MTL everything. I'm going to go through a single page (p.16):

"I'm really... pathetic... Everytime this guy makes me feel good... My mind... My body become so obscene" Not only does this barely sound English (you misspelled "every time" and forgot to write "HAS become...", this is also wrong. 本当に。。。情けないわ。。。毎回、この人の良いようにされて。。。気をやって。。。自分の体がこんなにも淫らだったなんて。。。"I'm so... pathetic... He makes me feel so good every time... He makes me cum [every time]... To think that my own body was/is this obscene OR I didn't [even] realize how much of a slut I was [until now]..." 気をやる means to orgasm. You also couldn't parse the final sentence.

"That's a good face..." No. What's implied to be good here isn't the "face", but the expression. "That's a good look on your face..." or "That's a nice expression plastered on your face..." You have to convey the fact that the dude thinks her O-face is great. Your translation would be like saying 頭がいい means "You have a good head", when in reality, it means being intelligent. Something even a beginner at Japanese would understand.

"Isn't it better to enjoy yourself more honestly?" You're making it sound like she's already being honest, when the complete opposite is the truth. Also, he's not asking a question. The whole sequence should read: "That's a good look on your face... but it's fine to enjoy yourself more honestly/being more honest with yourself [and the pleasure you're feeling]." Implication here is: Go ahead and give it a shot. Try being truthful to how much of a slut you are. Clearly, you're enjoying it.

"I'm delighted everytime Chisaki chan lets out her lewd moans of pleasure... I'm so delighted that I will keep giving my financial support... to Chisaki chan and to the Beast Rangers... Isn't that good?" How can you unironically write that and think it's okay? Besides the fact that this is full of broken English, it's also inaccurate. "Every time you enjoy yourself and moan like a slut [with a seductive voice] while doing dirty stuff, I'm pleased, and if I'm pleased, then I'm willing to keep [financially] supporting you in the future/hereafter... Wouldn't that be an exceptional boon [a very good thing] for both you and the Beast Rangers?"

"I see..." No. You literally removed 75% of the sentence. "Yeah... That's right... but..."

"Me lewd? If I were to enjoy sex with such a man... I wouldn't be able to show my face to my daughter... or Taiyo). Great, another butchered sentence that sounds like caveman speak. "If I were to... enjoy [doing] lewd things... having sex with a man like that... I could never face my daughter or Taiyo-san [again]..." The first part isn't her saying "Me, lewd?", it's her correcting herself. "Ecchi" is a euphemism, and it doesn't mean her being lewd here, but rather "doing lewd things". She says "エッチを。。。セックスを[...]" because she knows "ecchi" in this context isn't just a handjob or vague "ecchi" stuff, but rather full blown sex, thus her saying "sex" straight up after.

That's one page's worth lol.

Also, you didn't proofread jackshit. This is still full of typos (ex: p9: embarrased => embarassed; humilliatingly => humiliatingly; p.46 bag => back; p.14 firs => first. I could go on and on, but I'm starting to think English might not be your first language either. Why would you lie about something that can be easily verified?

Translation (and especially translating this much text with this much complexity) is not something a complete beginner should undertake. if you want to practice, again, do so privately. EH isn't your blog. This site isn't meant for you to share your stumbling, amateurish efforts, especially since you can't even bother to take a breather and get a lot better (by "breather", I mean a year or two). You're not even really translating as you don't understand 80% of what you read. Tagged as rewrite... again.
Last edited on 09 September 2021, 20:39.
Posted on 09 September 2021, 17:26 by:   lobotomista    PM
Score -100
im curious, can you give an example? of my rewritte? as i said i do this for learning
Posted on 09 September 2021, 19:44 by:   peace9001    PM
Score +91
To be honest blazingbanana's TL seems to be machine translated too, the speech bubbles either have several mistakes or downright edited out, most likely since OCR software has trouble recognizing squiggly text, plus some terminology and other context heavy dialogue being wrong (like the secretary part)
Probably the most glaring issue they had is translating ブルート (Brute) as "Brood" for some reason. This translation seems more accurate in that regard at least, but honestly, they both have several issues.
Posted on 09 September 2021, 23:14 by:   bargoras1    PM
Score +64
ahhh that was a good fap
Posted on 10 September 2021, 03:14 by:   jfragrettel    PM
Score -100
Great job, great translation - thanks for sharing it with the community

waiting for new translations of other works by this great artist, which have not yet been translated
Posted on 10 September 2021, 04:31 by:   Big_Cookie    PM
Score +39
Hey, um, I commented in the "random translation help" thread and gave you advice for a line and I didn't get ANY "Thank you" or anything. So, no I will not be helping you anymore since you decided to be ungrateful. And if I do, it'll be a long time before that happens. How do you get help from someone and not say "Thank you", wtf

This is happening with a lot of good artists and stuff I like. Like I said, any competent typesetters that want to work on dominant NTR series(like this one) can hit me up so we don't have to deal with this nonsense. Now that I started using iTalki, I am 100% positive that at least 95% of the content on here(especially NTR) should take me no more than 3 days for full scripts.
Posted on 11 September 2021, 16:38 by:   Berkel    PM
Score -1
This is so amazing and freaking hot! I waited for more kinky milf scenes.
Posted on 20 September 2021, 19:45 by:   bazinga22    PM
Score +1
Even though its not the best translation, it got the point across. thanks for this
Posted on 30 October 2021, 16:42 by:   jfragrettel    PM
Score -66
Excellent work, great translation - Thank you for sharing it with the community

Waiting for new translations of other works from this great artist, which have not yet been translated
Posted on 22 November 2021, 21:54 by:   poke--    PM
Score +6
So is this different? /g/2003365/a58b52a296/

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