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[blue lung] Oribe-san-chi no Shinkon Toko Jijou | Oribe-san's Newlywed Penis [English]

[blue lung] 織部さんちの新婚♂床事情 [英訳]

Posted:2021-09-26 00:38
Language:English  TR
File Size:26.17 MiB
Length:28 pages
Favorited:1104 times
Average: 4.27

Showing 1 - 28 of 28 images

Posted on 26 September 2021, 12:25 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +193
you really thought this was acceptable to share with the public and not keep to yourself huh? okay.

1) your typesetting is dogshit. pluralizing morphemes like -s in "minutes" on page 1 do not belong on their own line. you do this throughout the entire gallery. as a self-described redrawer, you must have worked with typesetters enough to pick up on these things, surely? how did you see that and not instantly realize it looks like shit? oh, right. "I'm not a typesetter." Of course, inexperience in a role means you have no expectation of quality, how could I forget! :clueless:

2) the "translation"

page 1:

"you came back early from work today" - are you an alien? perhaps an ESL? we already know you're using MTL so translation fuckups are a given, but a native English speaker could at least attempt to trick people into believing this is a real translation with some actual natural dialogue. "You're home early today" is natural English, what you have is not.

page 2:

"I want to do..." - do what? did he forget to finish his sentence? no, he didn't, you're just an idiot. the raw says 「・・・したい」 so there's got to be SOMETHING he wants to do. What could it be? oh! maybe it's sex! "I wanna do it..." or "I want you..." since this is a pretty clear reference to the meme 「お帰りなさい貴方!ご飯を食べる?お風呂にする?それとも・・・わ。た。し?」 But of course, you wouldn't know that.

"well..." - lmao no you fucking retard that's the trap going "huh...?" christ you're dumb

"You. I can't think of anything else I want to hug and do you till you're a mess." - good lord. proper translation would be something along the lines of "I wanna wreck you so hard that you won't be able to think of anything else." not whatever butchery you have here.

I skipped ahead a lot because this is already super fucked up. I came across this gem of a "TL note" on page 21:

#) nice "TL note" on page 21, that's actually not even close to what is being said. there is no "what if" at all. he's saying "you know, if this keeps up, I might end up with a baby in my belly..." or if you insist on keeping the question, "if this keeps up, I might end up with a baby in my belly, you know...?" of course, since this worthless upload used deepL and you have absolutely zero knowledge of the language, this is unsurprising to be fucked up. it's just funny you had the gall to include a TL note at all when you have no idea what you're talking about, because the TL note is entirely wrong too. できる is the potential form of the irregular verb する meaning "to do." broadly speaking, it means "able to do/ capability of doing." combined with かも[しれない] it turns into "could do/could happen" as in "there is a chance this could happen" or "I/you/they/we could do"

OH AND OF COURSE YOU'RE ACCEPTING COMMISSIONS LMAO could you be any more fucking transparent with your motives?

I hope you stay demotivated. do everyone a favor and spare us from your worthless efforts next time. unless of course you enjoy butchering the things you "work" on. anything for a few dollars, huh?
Posted on 26 September 2021, 13:55 by:   karme1    PM
Score +205
Hey , thanks for the criticism.

First i would just like to say that i changed my discord name and i will no longer be takinh commissions now or anytime in the future.

1) yes , while i have worked with type setters before , sadly their experience doesn't carry over. I am fully aware that the typesetting on this is very shit , and I'm aware that no amount of "oh it's my first time doing this" will make it acceptable. I now recognize the mistakes in my typesetting and in the future if i do anymore work i will spend time talking and talking advise from actual tyepsetters to make it atleast a bit presentable


Page 1 : hindsight is 20:20 , and in the rush of trying to finish this and me just being excited honestly to work on this, alot of the phrases / words said do sound very weird and extremely unnatural looking back at it now. I am not a native English speaker so some phrases which at the time i thought where good enough or sounded natural turned out to be very out of place and very weird sounding.

Page 2 : if you looked at the next panel it says "you.." , as in " i want to do you " , as in "i want to have sex with you". While this is a roundabout way of saying it i thought it was pretty good honestly , but looking back at it now it wasn't the best choice of words neither was it a great idea to split up the "you" into another text bubble

And yea , it was stupid of me to just write "i want to hug you" instead of something else.

page 21: indeed , i did use deepl with no knowledge of the the language , and yes , i did have to type in what i "think" he said based on the loose translation i got from deepl and using a bit of context clues. So obviously someone like me who doesn't speak a word of Japanese and someone who had to use a damn ocr just to get the Japanese text wouldn't be able to quite get the translation 100% correct , what i put in is what i thought was atleast close to the actual translation , but obviously that wasn't the case , I'm sorry. And when putting the tl note i thought that was to cover my tracks , it was me trying to put an alternative translation to what i thought it more closely translated to , but again i think that was just rude from me to put considering i am not a Japanese speaker.

All in all , i am sorry , i never started this for any Money , the commission part i just put in the end as an extra i guess , but that was never the point of me putting this out.
Again , i started this because i found this doujin on ***** a while back and it had no translation , so i thought i might aswell give it a try since i like these types om doujins. But it appears that my "motive" judt appeared as me wanting money , which it isn't

With you pointing out the many mistakes in my work , i will give scanlating this doujin another shot in the future with better typesetting , better translation and less obnoxious tl notes. Thanks for you response
Posted on 26 September 2021, 15:54 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +156
if you are a redrawer, join an existing group that has actual translators and typesetters. redrawers are in constant demand, so there's no doubt in my mind that you could trade your services for a book getting translated.

what you should NOT do is:

1) try and translate something into a language that is not your native tongue
2) try and translate something from a language with which you have absolutely no training or study in, relying on machine translation which constantly fucks everything up

translations require actually comprehending what is being said in the source language. what this is is straight up guesswork, it is *not* a translation, nor will anything produced by guesswork ever *be* a translation.

this is just from the translation aspect, not to mention the typesetting. I'm not an editor myself, so I can't pick apart what's wrong with it like I can with translations, but that's why I went and found editors to do those things instead of doing it myself. You should do the same.

Good luck! I mean this genuinely.
Posted on 26 September 2021, 16:08 by:   GreenIN    PM
Score +78
nice, feminine male housewives are new recently favourite thing.
Posted on 27 September 2021, 04:38 by:   KegsNBarrels    PM
Score -99

You have the patience of a god with how you dealt with that asshole above.
Posted on 27 September 2021, 13:47 by:   Zemyih    PM
Score +91
"you came back early from work today" is perfectly acceptable english, though. This is just semantics.
Posted on 27 September 2021, 19:06 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +138

you must not have noticed that the floodgates have burst open on this site, and the place is drowning in absolute gutter trash uploads. or you have noticed, and you simply don't care. in either case, you really should expect better from someone who decides to upload here. why would you ever find it acceptable to read something in English from someone who isn't a native speaker of English, nor has any training in Japanese? because it's free? because it's piracy? neither of those reasons preclude something from being of a high quality, and I argue that thanks to scanlations starting as a hobbyists' domain, long before official, legal publishers or commissions ever gave a fuck about the niche, quality should be the PRIMARY focus around here.

you don't pick up playing an instrument as a hobby (i.e., continuously doing it for its own sake) and stay shit at it. by its very definition as a hobby, you naturally improve upon it through repetition. and if you don't do it continuously for its own sake? then it's not a hobby for you, and instead becomes performative for some other motive. it's like having a guitar in the corner of your living room for people to look at when they come over and assume you play guitar, so they think more highly of you, but in reality your fingertips have no calluses because you never pick the thing up. people who do that absolutely deserve to be criticized.

instead of understanding and comprehending the criticisms provided, complete with my reasonings behind them, you instead decide to focus on my tone? Explain that to me, 'cuz it sounds bitchmade as fuck. Grow a pair, stand up for yourself. You deserve better than galleries like this, and you should recognize that. I definitely do.


nah. if you wanted to keep all of those words, it'd be "you came back from work early today." that's more natural than what currently exists. yes, you are right though; a lot of translation does come down to the translator's own perspective and manner of speech. there's no way to separate that from the person completely, but it is possible to be aware of it and work around it. for instance, as a user of The Queen's Own English, I have to force myself to not insert u's into words all the time (colour, harbour, etc) because for the most part, burger English conventions are the most recognizable. All that being said, this argument doesn't really hold water for this gallery, because not only is it clunky all over the place, but the translation is a wash too.
Last edited on 27 September 2021, 19:53.
Posted on 28 September 2021, 16:04 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +147

The difference between native and non-native speakers of a language has nothing to do with education quality - or lack thereof - but is instead entirely about intuitive knowledge. A native English speaker will immediately understand that Clifford The Big Red Dog is right, but Clifford The Red Big Dog has *something* wrong with it. 99 times out of 100 the native speaker will not be able to explain WHY the latter example is wrong, but they will intuitively know that adjectives have a strict ordering system (opinion-size-age-shape-color-origin-material-purpose Noun) which, when deviated from, makes a sentence at best unnatural, and at worst ungrammatical.

An education in linguistics makes this clear, but natives don't need this education to know when something is right or wrong, or to even use the rule at all. They only need the education to understand why they feel the immediate sense of wrongness when something deviates from this rule. ESLs, on the other hand, are entirely reliant on outside forces to even become aware of this rule, and every other rule. What if they were never taught it by their own teacher? What if they never came across it in their own self-study? At that point, they are outputting unnatural English and don't even know it, and a native will immediately be able to pick up on it *even if they can't understand why.* Apply this to scanlating, and you get translations that just gnaw at a native reader, immediately killing the immersion. It is a genuinely discomforting feeling. (and this doesn't even get into JP>EN translation accuracy)

Now take that example and apply it to the entire language. That linguistic imprint is what separates natives (and, yes, learners who have achieved nativity) and ESLs. Of course there are those exceptional learners who achieve nativity, but they are so monumentally few and far between that I really doubt many of them exist in the scanlation scene uploading translations to e-hentai. Definitely not enough of them to encourage that practice. So I don't.

Also, it's funny you lambaste sweeping remarks about ESL English capabilities yet do the same for native English capabilities. Glass houses.
Last edited on 28 September 2021, 16:31.
Posted on 04 October 2021, 07:55 by:   moistnugget21    PM
Score -10
Hey at least the guy has tried to translate and want to be better at it. Props to him if he learns from his mistakes. No worries about the mistakes if you are trying mate, can't learn walking without falling down time to time.
Posted on 05 October 2021, 00:11 by:   Veralene    PM
Score -68
Daruna is not wrong with any of their claims, but there are 2 things that matter in the end:

1) The translation exists, and I enjoyed it, despite the quality of the translation. I wouldn't have been aware of this doujin had they not posted their translation.

2) Constructive criticism and destructive criticism are two different things: It is good to be honest and critical about a piece of work (in this instance, an English MTL). However, being too unforgiving of the newcomers (specifically, the tone that you deliver that feedback) will only drive them away and never want to touch the hobby again. The community will shrink and, sure, there will be less trash, but that also means that there will be less successful translators in the future.

I will re-emphasize point 2: It's good and clear that Daruna cares a lot about quality. Though, it is also important to provide helpful feedback that newcoming translators can improve upon, without discouraging them from being proud of what they've created.

Thank you for your hard work, uploader! Hopefully, your future releases will be even higher quality than this one.
Posted on 05 October 2021, 01:43 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +100

uh, perhaps you both missed the part where this person used optical character recognition and MACHINE TRANSLATION. It's okay, allow me to remind you!

People who engage in machine translations are *not* translators; get that through your skulls. They do *not* deserve coddling or praise. Machine translation is *not* effort. Machine translation is *lazy.* Studying the language? Using your wrinkly brain to fully comprehend a sentence for what it is? THAT is effort. This? Yeah, I'm more than happy to "destructively criticize" garbage like this. The notion that the misguided "effort" that these coomer shit-for-brains engage in is at all comparable to the effort that I and any other actual translator have put in - countless hours over many years of actual work attempting to wrangle this language into something we can understand - is probably among the most offensively idiotic things you could possibly allow to form in your consciousness.

You all are so used to consuming garbage that you don't even know it's garbage anymore. Do not try to drag me down to your level, because my palette actually can tell the difference between rotten muck and actual food. I suggest you work on repairing yours.
Last edited on 05 October 2021, 02:46.
Posted on 05 October 2021, 03:41 by:   Veralene    PM
Score -43

Wow, who hurt you? It's one thing to be confident in knowing your shit, but it's another to look down on people for not being at a standard that you arbitrarily set for yourself.

No, I am not suggesting that MTL is in any way comparable to a human translation, nor am I disagreeing that any of the suggestions you have made to improve the translation is wrong... but it still takes a decent amount of effort (incomparable to a human translation, respectfully, but still sizable effort) to write down all of the text, machine-translate it, edit the images, and upload it to the site.

I don't know if that's your depression talking, but I hope that confidence doesn't bite you in the ass one day, when you create something that you took time out of your day to make, and people treat you the same way you're treating this guy. All I'm saying is: Have a goddamn heart, because your concerningly-jaded views on how people should be treated have turned you into a heartless machine yourself.
Posted on 30 December 2021, 04:20 by:   karme1    PM
Score +38
I am sorry , even months after posting this and after everything died out here I still can't shake off the guilt from this post.

I apologize for MTL'ing and I apologize for my shitty typesetting.

since i made this translation i had alot of time to self reflect and to really dive into the whole scanlating / hentai scanlating scene in general and now I truly do understand why some people were really angry or mad this translating job.

what started as just a passion project turned into this whole mess that even now still makes me sad just to think about. In the future when my skills get better and better , I will get someone to properly translate and proof read this doujin , and this my improved typesetting and cleaning i shall post that to kind of redeem myself from this mess.

thank you everyone

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