Product Description In 1992 the Fox Network revolutionized superhero comic adaptations with the groundbreaking animated series X-Men. Featuring complex storylines pulled right from the pages of Marvel Comics as well as cool characters and high quality art, the cartoon gained instant acclaim and has continued to be popular to this day
This X-Men two pack features the leader of the Blue Team—who has appeared in countless comics, animations, and even video games—Cyclops in his classic blue and yellow costume, and the brains of the blue team, Beast, complete with removable glasses.
Product Features 1/10 Scale Made of plastic Based on the 1992 animated series Costumes are incredibly vibrant with bright colors Packaging decorated with art and details from the early ‘90s
Box Contents Cyclops statue Beast Statue Glasses
General Safety Warning: Products sold by BBTS may be intended for Adult Collectors. Products may contain sharp points, small parts, choking hazards, and other elements not suitable for children under 16 years old.