i bought the mini-tanko version from dlsite aaand it was lower res than the magazine version (1500px vs 1920px here) but with equally bad censorship so rip me
i've also started adding artist credits to the gallery itself since the people viewing ripped versions on nh***** or whatever probably aren't seeing my comments here
Thanks for the relase, just a little request for your next ones: could you save black and white images as grayscale PNGs and not full-color ones? This gallery takes twice the disk space it needs to, for exactly zero benefit... Changing mode to grayscale when beginning the editing of a new image benefits the space occupation on your hard disk, the time it takes to process/save the images while you're working on them, for uploading your gallery, and lastly for everybody who downloads the originals. Another potential benefit is that this site displays the original images instead of the resamples if they're under a certain size.