Posted on 10 October 2021, 01:17 by:
nkaR Base +9, shiranai +7, flashpanty +8, Yukipo~ +6, HellVOps +7, weeblord69 +5, your_name +6, sinfullkill +6, sinserrr +7, Bullettime +6, kronos5000 +6, Zenturial +7, EdwardxD +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 10 October 2021, 03:00 by:
FrzR Score
Base +6, lionheart49 -7, sonictmp -7, absolugom +7, jeof96 +6, ROBERTO2109 +6, Luxies +7, spaceorkz +8
Base +5, ROBERTO2109 +6, Stars R Kool +6, herpderp5545 +8
Base +6, JamesCID -18, MelmothTheWanderer -30, jeof96 +6, crowns -6, absolugom -7, Wreckthatchick -7
Posted on 10 October 2021, 10:31 by:
Orion9137 Score
Base +11, absolugom -7, Kaneko +6, Cheese Ninja +10, jeof96 +6, Bullettime +6, Zenturial -7, L9910 +7, GiveMEH -7, ROBERTO2109 +6, theriums +6, Vertiplano +6, Demotivating +8, and 13 more...
Posted on 10 October 2021, 18:24 by:
Ashi17 Score
Base +17, ROBERTO2109 +6, subzeroend +5
Posted on 12 October 2021, 05:51 by:
doujin2 Score
Base +6
Base +8, Nofxex -6, Falloree -8
Base +6, DarioEmpio -7, nkaR +14