Posted on 15 October 2021, 05:02 by:
Gravyseal Posted on 15 October 2021, 06:26 by:
Ferds30 Score
Base +6, elizra +6, Red of EHCOVE +60, Dracul IV +6, Ckraemer624 +6, contown +9, Lewdduck420 +6, coleccionista903 +6, liberius +6, A.Kasuga +6, zangetsu96 +7, firedragon89 +14, Zatharista +9, and 4 more...
Base +8, alcantarilla -9, Ryhe -6, Kyuubi no Shinigami -6, Epherion +8, cld_bak -6, throwaway7 -6, contown -9, UltraToaster -6, RaithSienar -6, firedragon89 -14, Teh_Red_Guy -11, Silver_Kirin -6, and 1 more...
Base +13, KNY -9, firedragon89 +14, observer1980 +21, Tryndamere95 +18